Sean01 was kind enough to link me this one a couple of weeks back, i was impressed initially by what was included in the kit for the price...
Kit included:
Keihin PE-24mm carby. (was advertised as a replica, but the box it came in was marked with "Genuine Honda Replacement Parts" stickers, tamper-evident stickers, Keihin serial numbers etc... I'm guessing Genuine Honda Replacement parts arent genuine after all??)
Red anodised Velocity stack, 2'' diameter.
Red anodised Posh 1/4 turn throttle (7/8)
Red anodised carby slide cap
Red anodised fuel filter
Red and Blue anodised throttle cable
360 degree polished 22mm manifold, with rubber manifold adaptor and gaskets.
Spare rubber manifold adaptor and bolts.
Pretty comprehensive really, especially when you consider i paid $103 AUD for the kit, with $27 AUD postage... (ok so the postage was kinda high, but still a cheap overall cost considering...)
How does it Fit??
Great!! 04 Thumpys have virtually nil room under the tank for carby upgrades... much like a CRF... they use a very specific manifold to run a Fakuni under there, so i was stoked to find that the rise, bend and added versatility of the 360 degree manifold adjustment allowed me to fit the carby in there cleanly without fouling anything...
How's the Quality??
Seems to be really good actually... for a china part (came from Thailand) that cost very little, i'm quite impressed with the quality of the carb, it's quite heavy, denoting a much denser grade of metal used in casting, the manifold is a tight solid fit on the block, and the grub screws on the angle adjustment get a good grip on the turning section of the manifold runner...
The only thing i found to be of poor quality, is the rubber manifold adaptor.. the rubber is quite soft, and prone to flexing easily, which creates air leaks on the manifold face... i got around this by using an extra gasket, and washers on the manifold adaptor bolts to "spread" the load so to speak, which has negated any flexing...
How does it Run??
Ok.. admittedly the extra air ports and stuff had me baffled initially.. they were clearly intake ports, but for what purpose, and which way were they meant to be routed?? One was clearly a choke intake port, the other was an air port, which it turns out can either be a port for oil injection when used on a smoker, or an extra air intake port to add to GY6 engines... After a heap of ****ing about, and the assistance of Sean01's suggestions, the ports were blocked off, the bike was kicked, fired straight away and settled to a steady idle. Win!!
So far the carb seems to offer a good performance increase over the 22mm Genuine Mikuni that the FYM110's came with, both in response, power and over-rev... It hasnt made as much of a gain up top as the 21mm OKO that i also tried, nor is it as snappy down low, but has a broader spread of power, which is going to be handy on a 110cc 3 spd auto...
Stock jetting was way off, but then how is a company meant to jet a carby, intended for a variety of capacities and applications... the jets werent marked, but the Keihin site tells me the stock jets are a #50 pilot and #113 or #130 main...
Knew from experience accurate jetting was closer to a #k36 pilot and #85-92 main for a 110... Uses FCR/OKO flatslide style pilots, and Keihin "Roundhead" mains...It's now running clean and crisp.
How Does it Look???
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but i reckon this kit looks ****ing awesome..
So far it's received pretty good responses in the looks department...
Overall Impression:
For the price, this kit is really good, and for anyone looking to upgrade from a Fakuni 26mm, for something that works better, and has far more visual appeal, especially on a small bore motard, i can highly recommend this kit. Cost was minimal, it came with EVERYTHING, jetting was way off, but that was soon sorted, and it arrived very quickly...
8/10. Win.
Kit included:
Keihin PE-24mm carby. (was advertised as a replica, but the box it came in was marked with "Genuine Honda Replacement Parts" stickers, tamper-evident stickers, Keihin serial numbers etc... I'm guessing Genuine Honda Replacement parts arent genuine after all??)
Red anodised Velocity stack, 2'' diameter.
Red anodised Posh 1/4 turn throttle (7/8)
Red anodised carby slide cap
Red anodised fuel filter
Red and Blue anodised throttle cable
360 degree polished 22mm manifold, with rubber manifold adaptor and gaskets.
Spare rubber manifold adaptor and bolts.
Pretty comprehensive really, especially when you consider i paid $103 AUD for the kit, with $27 AUD postage... (ok so the postage was kinda high, but still a cheap overall cost considering...)
How does it Fit??
Great!! 04 Thumpys have virtually nil room under the tank for carby upgrades... much like a CRF... they use a very specific manifold to run a Fakuni under there, so i was stoked to find that the rise, bend and added versatility of the 360 degree manifold adjustment allowed me to fit the carby in there cleanly without fouling anything...
How's the Quality??
Seems to be really good actually... for a china part (came from Thailand) that cost very little, i'm quite impressed with the quality of the carb, it's quite heavy, denoting a much denser grade of metal used in casting, the manifold is a tight solid fit on the block, and the grub screws on the angle adjustment get a good grip on the turning section of the manifold runner...
The only thing i found to be of poor quality, is the rubber manifold adaptor.. the rubber is quite soft, and prone to flexing easily, which creates air leaks on the manifold face... i got around this by using an extra gasket, and washers on the manifold adaptor bolts to "spread" the load so to speak, which has negated any flexing...
How does it Run??
Ok.. admittedly the extra air ports and stuff had me baffled initially.. they were clearly intake ports, but for what purpose, and which way were they meant to be routed?? One was clearly a choke intake port, the other was an air port, which it turns out can either be a port for oil injection when used on a smoker, or an extra air intake port to add to GY6 engines... After a heap of ****ing about, and the assistance of Sean01's suggestions, the ports were blocked off, the bike was kicked, fired straight away and settled to a steady idle. Win!!
So far the carb seems to offer a good performance increase over the 22mm Genuine Mikuni that the FYM110's came with, both in response, power and over-rev... It hasnt made as much of a gain up top as the 21mm OKO that i also tried, nor is it as snappy down low, but has a broader spread of power, which is going to be handy on a 110cc 3 spd auto...
Stock jetting was way off, but then how is a company meant to jet a carby, intended for a variety of capacities and applications... the jets werent marked, but the Keihin site tells me the stock jets are a #50 pilot and #113 or #130 main...
Knew from experience accurate jetting was closer to a #k36 pilot and #85-92 main for a 110... Uses FCR/OKO flatslide style pilots, and Keihin "Roundhead" mains...It's now running clean and crisp.
How Does it Look???
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but i reckon this kit looks ****ing awesome..
So far it's received pretty good responses in the looks department...
Overall Impression:
For the price, this kit is really good, and for anyone looking to upgrade from a Fakuni 26mm, for something that works better, and has far more visual appeal, especially on a small bore motard, i can highly recommend this kit. Cost was minimal, it came with EVERYTHING, jetting was way off, but that was soon sorted, and it arrived very quickly...
8/10. Win.