Kill Switch anyone

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chopper rider 16

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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ok most of you would have seen the thread i posted where i ditched my outer control chopper so im thinking smart so im looking for a kill switch to buy if any one has one just lieing around i would be interested in buying it so if anyone could help me out wiht a kil switch would be greatly appreciated

regards Brent

P.S add me to msn if u want to talk
ok most of you would have seen the thread i posted where i ditched my outer control chopper so im thinking smart so im looking for a kill switch to buy if any one has one just lieing around i would be interested in buying it so if anyone could help me out wiht a kil switch would be greatly appreciated

regards Brent

P.S add me to msn if u want to talk

we have both types man just give us all call on 07 54716910 and we will help you out.$18 (including postage)
yeh mine came apart last weekend it kinda sucks might hafta hit up ebay
Goto dick smith and buy a switch.... the toggle switches fit right into the old plastic housing of the old one. Works a treat. cost me $3..... $18 + postage? lol
Goto dick smith and buy a switch.... the toggle switches fit right into the old plastic housing of the old one. Works a treat. cost me $3..... $18 + postage? lol

What's up Worm savin up to be a jew or sumthin ? :p

Just kiddin bruz but a 20 buck killswitch is value to me for a few reasons ...

Firstly I live in the mountains and Dick smith or anything like him may as well be santa claus out here's 4 hours from here easier to get the boys to throw it on my door all day.

Secondly even if I did live 10mins away by the time I went down screwed around ,come back and fitted it .... an hour woulda gone by ... and my time is worth more to me than 20 bucks an hour.... I been hell busy and with movin an stuff I aint got enough time an hour off to ride the loop against savin 20 bucks is no contest at the moment.

Third I stayed with these guys at "SIMMO'S" at the SX and not only can they ride like no one's business but they'll talk bikes till ya ears bleed and are good blokes to boot.

I know the last reason probably doesn't count to those of you savin coin but it seeled the deal for me .:cool:
we have a few in boxes. Came off some Euro Brand MX Bike. Although we are currently in NZ we are Racing ADL SA and Nerang NSW on the three weeks of and following the 15th of March. Yours free if you want them just collecting Dust here. Besides the Husband is away and I am cleaning out his Shed. Cant post them tho sorry...long story.

Yes I am the Evil Wife, but his shed is so full of ***** is it unbelieveable

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