Lifan 125cc wired to Honda wiring Harness

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Jul 14, 2011
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Does anyone know if it's possible to wire a Lifan 125cc motor to the Facotry Honda wiring harness (cdi, coil, etc)?

I saw somewhere that if you by-pass the kill switch the motor won't get spark?

I have all my Honda stuff wired up and still have 4 straggling wires that are not wired into anything?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
The Lifan didn't come with a wiring harness every end/connector had been cut from the wires, but I got it figured out and running smooth.
yes you can its easy peasy , now tell me more of what you need , colors of wires left over a few pics would be good ,
This may help:

sorry to bring up an old thread. where can i find a wiring harness that will fit the lifan 125cc engine. i can provide a pic of the wire colors if need be