I don't think you can bore a 150 any more. Even if you could it would be a waste of money and you wouldn't get a huge difference. You are better off selling your chinese bike and buying a motovert. They have better quality parts and the engine has more power than chinese bikes.
I don't think you can bore a 150 any more. Even if you could it would be a waste of money and you wouldn't get a huge difference. You are better off selling your chinese bike and buying a motovert. They have better quality parts and the engine has more power than chinese bikes.
You sir are a tool.
Enough said...
but cdi i can, the "race" modules are a bit of a waste, dont notice any difference between the stock, the new "race" one, or the posties...BUT!!!it has a lil LED that flashes when its idlingif you mean "irk", welll...i cant go that way, i need the lighting/charge coils...
where do u buy these things and cam's? How u know it fits?i got told to upgrade exhaust, carby, coil, valve springs straight away for these engines and then work your way afta those are done,
You sir are a tool.
Enough said...