lifan 150 problem

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New Member
Jan 27, 2010
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hey guys just wondered if u lot could help me abit...

right i have a stomp juice box 150 lifan upright engine:

basically it starts up ticks over fine.. but as soon as u start to give it some it splutters and dies then some times all of a sudden itll just set off as normal for about 10 secons then back to the spluttering. I have an idea what it could maybe running too rich but i dont know what the air screw settings are .... any ideas would be much appreciated

thanks scott
yea easy as piss mate, really is something that all pitbike owners should know as it happens all the time
I think this is the best video showing how to do it: YouTube - How to check valve timin on Honda 50 70 cc motors

here's a guide made by one of our members:

another good one: QingQi (Qlink) 200GY Illustrated Valve Adjustment - MyChinaMoto

after looking at all those guides you should have a pretty good idea of what you need to do, good luck
thankyou ... i have just phoned the guy up who had the bike previous to me and hes said that the timing and the vavles have already been done. anything else that it could be ? cheers
Replace the stator

Hey mate it sounds like you bike has a fualty stator magneto. It is not producing spark all the time that is why you bike is coughing and splutter it is flooding from no spark.
Good luck with it.
The air screw only effects the early part of the throttle range. If your engine splutters at 1/2 to wide open, then I doubt the air screw will fix it.

Dirty air filter, and therefore too rich? If not too dusty, try a quick test with no air filter installed.

Did it once run fine with the current jetting in somewhat similar air temp and humidity? If yes, then dont change the jets.

If you want advice on the screw or jetting, then you would have to say what make and model carb you have on the engine. Could be anything.