lifan side dress up kit? 2 extra holes

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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A bros, well ive got a dress up kit, side plate that is next to the spark plug, oposite form the cdi plate, its got 2 extra holes in it, what should i do? ive seen a bike ages ago from the net thats got some kinda pipe go back to the 2oil bolts under the engine, but yea,


so, what should i do, just connect it to anohter oil cooler?
hey custom, do you work at the docs or its just a nick? just wondering mang lolz
I dont work anywhere atm lol, chose the name cause i custom make parts for my bikes
brother you need an oil cooler. I have the same plate minus the holes but have an oil cooler perhaps we can work something out. Mine has only been used once , in perfect nick. Just let us know
I have the same plate on my bike. I run a Lifan 125cc and an Oil Filter. I put the plate on and put a threaded Bung in the extra two holes. Never had a leak or any issues apart form the fact mine in Blue and the plugs are black.
yea got a picture bro? and how much? a wat sup durt girl lolz the first girl ive seem on this site lolz,
Not much happening here at the mo, just waiting for our men to return home from a scouting/racing trip to the US. A few of us girls get on here from time to time, havnt seen anyone but us Kiwi Chicks tho.
i fought your oil cool was for sale, stuff it ill stick another oil cooler at the front, it gets realy hot where iam so i need it lolz, its coo
I have the same plate on my bike. I run a Lifan 125cc and an Oil Filter. I put the plate on and put a threaded Bung in the extra two holes. Never had a leak or any issues apart form the fact mine in Blue and the plugs are black.

You're EXTREMELY lucky that whoever made those "oil cooler adaptor" plates cocked up and has made 'em the wrong way around otherwise you'd have a fried top end ( cam and rockers ) ....... :p
chicks dont ride mini bikes they are to grunty, thats probably a bloke just wanting extra attention.:p
You're EXTREMELY lucky that whoever made those "oil cooler adaptor" plates cocked up and has made 'em the wrong way around otherwise you'd have a fried top end ( cam and rockers ) ....... :p

Thats what I thought at first too. Seems there are a few different configerations with the Lifans. 2005 lifan made a engine with a oil cooler to suite and manufactured a part similar to what is in discussion here. Seems the idea went defunk'd but the alloy cnc parts were already in production and were sold. The plates are identical to what some may consider the norm, just have two extra holes drilled for obsolete modifications. In the UK some Euro Manufacturer use this plate with this setup (sort of). Cant recall the brand but i know its not demon.

Dont kill the messanger, just retelling what i was told
chicks dont ride mini bikes they are to grunty, thats probably a bloke just wanting extra attention.:p

ha ha ha. you are possibly right? But then again whos' attention are you trying to get.?
As for too grunty, Hell it must have been you squealing like a pansy when I roosted your skinny ass.:eek: lol

BTW, can I have my pair of socks back now? you only wanted to borrow them until it warmed up.;)

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