lightened oil sligner

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New Member
Dec 2, 2007
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hi guys ,

ive been reading your forum for a while now a I decided to suscribe. what a nice forum ! ive got a questions concerning the lightened oil sligner. what does it consist ? do you have pictures of it ? I would like to have informations about this product. thanks guys:D
Here's a pic of a YX 150 engine with the clutch cover removed ..... showing the alloy oil slinger on the end of the crankshaft . They have a lightened slinger as stock standard . :)

Here's a pic of a lightened slinger (properly known as the centrifugal oil filter) .

Here's a pic of a lightened DHZ oil slinger compared to the heavy standard spinner on a Lifan 140 engine :
Pressurized oil is pumped from the oil pump up thru the clutch cover and into the oil spinner (centrifugal oil filter) where it is spun by the rpm of the crank . The spinning action throws any foreign particles that are heavier than oil to the outside of the inside of the filter (metal , clutch dust , grit , dirt) where it is safely trapped and kept at bay until the filter is manually dismantled and cleaned . Only clean , purified high pressure oil (virtually re-refined) can enter the end of the crankshaft and make it to the main rod bearing . Centrifugal filters greatly extend the life of any small bore 4 stroke engine . ALL of the engine oil eventually ends up being circulated thru the spinner and stripped of foreign particles .......

1973 to 1976 model Honda XR75's had oil spinners as stock and they were super reliable ........ you can STILL find standard bore 33 year old engines that are in excellent working condition and the camshafts , rocker arms , and cam tower journals are in excellent condition . In 1977 Honda removed the spinners and the reliability of those and all later model engines took a BIG nose dive . The cams , head castings and rocker arms had a drastically reduced life and were expensive to repair . IF the oil wasn't changed regularly , clutch dust , metal particles and dirt hacked away at every component inside the engine just like fine valve lapping paste . In fact the gunk trapped by centrifugal filters actually resembles the stuff ........... LOL ......:p
wow! that was about the most informitive post iv read in a while! are u actualy meant to clean it out regularly?
No mate , they'd take quite a long time to get to that point ...... I've only ever cleaned filters on XR's purely for the sake of it whenever I've pulled them down to replace slipping clutch plates or to install special trannies , bore kits etc .....

Incidentally , K1/2/3 XR75's had a super lightweight magnesium oil spinner but a fairly heavy aluminium flywheel as stock ........
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Size and weight -

Standard one
sling 002_small.jpg

Light weight one
sling 001_small.jpg
Great pics and info mate !!!!!! :cool: :) A picture says 1000 words ...... two pictures say 10,000 words ......
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hey guys thanks alot for the information. Its gonna be will be very helpful !! Can I machine down the stock one ? I have acces to a machine shop so i could save a few bucks by doing this! Also , where in hell could I find the clutch gasket for the chinese bike ? out here in Quebec its very hard to find OEM chinese engine parts. thanks guys
I have both lightened types here and their dimensions are :

Overall length ~ They're BOTH ~ 54.8 mm long from end to end .

DHZ slinger (full alloy) : Flange diameter = 83 mm ~ flange thickness = 7.2 mm ~ spigot diameter = 25.9 mm ~ weight = 125 grams

Other brand slinger (alloy flange/steel spigot) as shown by no_crf_50_here : Flange diameter = 81.45 mm ~ flange thickness = 5.5 mm ~ spigot diameter = 25.35 mm ~ weight = 150 grams

You'd obviously remove metal only from the O/D and back face of the flange , and the spigot O/D of your stock slinger to achieve similar dimensions to those shown above . Make sure you dress your tip tool with a radiused nose to leave a decent fillet radius . Sharp corners and edges can form cracks .

DHZ supplies all the gaskets with their lightened slingers :

You should be able to get gaskets from a Honda shop ....... just take your old gaskets in to check . Or there's dratv but he probably won't ship to Canada :

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Here´s a pic of how much and where to remove from the sling....hope it can help;)
Instead of buying gaskets, goto autobahn and buy gasket paper and cut them out yourself... piece of piss and cheap as chips lol
Just make sure you take your old gasket along so they can match up the thickness :)
Here´s a pic of how much and where to remove from the sling....hope it can help;)

Damned you mountain ....... you could have saved me a lot of measuring and typing ..........:p

Those engineering drawings you're putting up are excellent ......

The lightened stock slinger is still pretty heavy compared to the alloy ones tho' ...
sorry that Iam so late:D , but the pics are for ever on planetminis...did you miss that:confused:

anyway I have to say I had a alloy one and I changed it back to my worked one when I was changing on the normal ignition from IRK...has a better feeling...:p
I dont like the feel of the engine with a oil slinger and IRK. So a machined one might be a good compromise.

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