Making a Zaust super quite

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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what would be the best way to make a 125cc exhaust as quite as possible??

i put new muffler packing in, but its loud!!

we are building a dedicated 50's track, and i want my bike as quite as possible so i can ride whenever i want,

any ideas?

this might sound silly but how about the original z50 exhuast its quite az??
i was actually thinking of trying the zaust of my ST on it,

but think thatll be way to restrictive though,
Your best bet would be to ask your nearest muffler guy and see what he recommends or a bike shop.

I've also herd of some people getting steel wool and wrapping it in chicken wire like a tube and sliding it into the exhaust.
I know this is off topic but pitmaster can you please check your PM'S about your oil cooler. cheers
get a new silencer, a place around the corner from me sold these thigs that u put on the tip of the muffler and it is said 2 decrease the noise but quite a bit, there's also the little tricks like stuffin wire down.
hey, it doesn't help that u took the baffles out aswell!lol
ill swap ya my exhaust for yours cos my bike sounds like a postie bike and i want a louder one lol
oh soz, i don't mean pitmaster, i mean PITTIN, he took his baffles
i got a socket that fit in the end of my exhaust perfectly and i grnded it down to look normal....and then i taped it in with a hammer...but u gotta actually hit it in not tap it because it can come made it wayyyy quieter and didnt lose too much power....but when i took it out you could notice the difference in power... im not sure if this is what you wat...but i was impressed with the difference it made in sound
i herd about special spark arrestor making it quiter but not sure were to get it from...
i made a silencer for my straight through exaust on my avenger, all i used was a old radiator cap that fit tightly round the tip of my muffler. I took the spring and seal out of it and drilled out the hole to the size that i wanted.

originally looked similar to this

coulda dun it a bit neater but this is what it turned out like. then i put a hose clamp on so it dusnt fall off

Looks dodgy but it works
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