Market research 200cc Dirt bikes

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Active Member
Dec 2, 2005
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we are importers of Chinese made dirt bikes among other things. At the moment the 125cc's are huge, and we would like to expand our product range to include some 200cc Bikes.

What I would like to know is; is there a market for these things. Are people interested in getting these more powerful bikes of course which would cost a little more than the smaller 125cc bikes?

What sort of thing should we look for in a bike such as this?

What style are people after.
Something like that honda bike? Ie. frame is very similar design,
or a more endure style such as this:

Any imput would be greatly appreciated.
this all boils down to total cost of the chinese bike, plus when will the cc capacity stop when it reaches around the 500cc mark. the majority of chinese dirt bikes are really [you know] unless you spend the dollars on a fair to decent one,i have seen some bikes nearly falling apart, thanks to the rubbish frames ect, if you can obtain a dirt bike with a jap engine plus a real strong frame like the genuine pit boss bikes have, you may have a market to sell. look at the original pee-wee 50s and 80s plus xr honda 4 s they are still top bikes and will take a hiding too. look for a decent frame and a jap engine.
Thanks alot for your imput. Definately the quality of the finish including the frame strength is of highest concern for us. Regarding getting a jap engine, well that part you cant really get, because no manufacturers do it that way. We're not concerned with this though, you'd be surprised how good the chinese engines can be so long as you get a decent brand. We've sold both Zonshen engines and Ducar ones, and we havent had ANY people complaining about the engine AT ALL, apart from a few people who've managed to crack the casings. THanks,
Any more imput is appreciated.
Hey Mate I Import Dirt Bikes Aswell, If You Want Killer Jap Engines Get a "Jialang" Engine Im Sure Your Chinese Contact Can Arrange These Engines, There Reffered to As GPX Engines. If Not Get a Lifan Engines These are Awesome!! never buy a chineese dirt bike,there death traps.They break down all the time and they need upgrading from the word go.i know this because a friend of mine bought 1 and has had nothing but trouble since the day he took it home.I suppose u get what u pay 4!!!..other people may have had better experience's with these bikes.
Thanks for the replys.

Jialing actually isnt a Japanese engine, still made in china, i have heard of it though.

You say that all chinese dirt bikes break down all the time, becuase one of your friends had one? Cmon mate. I know there have been alot of stories but they have been improving, we dont get many complaints at all for the amount of bikes we sell.

I know its almost a cliche, but go back to the time that the japs were stepping into the motorcycle business, its the same situation now with the chinese.
like i said ,some people may have had a better experience with them.
they could be made of gold and still wouldnt buy 1,no offence mate,and all the best fot the future.
if this bike was priced $1300-$1400 and more were avaliable it would sell like hot cakes also comes in 200cc[/url]
That same model bike is the one we are looking at. But we would be going for the 200cc bikes. We reckno we can price them at about 1500-1600 for the 200cc. How does this sound?
Ive got a 125 pitbike a pocket and a chopper as well, and my pitbike gets the biggest thrashing of them all :evil: :roll: and it has given me no trouble at all. :roll: i havent done anything to it and i thrash it every sat. im 85kg and its got enough power to mono the first 2 gears and the only thing i have changed is the oil and the back tyre(they are crap)
anyway i guess its luck of the draw cause my pocket is the most tempremental bike i have ever owned :!:
by the way i would be interested if the price was right
Byrtus_imports, i already answered ur question based on what is on the market $1300-$1500 would be an ideal price there are shops selling the 150cc Yamaha TT-R copys for $1500 u cant expect people to pay to much for an old design with cheap materials :wink:
Do these shops have websites by any change. I would be interested in having a look at this bike as I havent seen them around.
i personally thrash my bike and had no major problems lol believe me i go hard on the poor 125cc which must hate me, only problem ive had is a broken forks seal :?
Byrtus_imports, just do a search i cant post links and couldnt bother if ur the importer u do the research? plenty of links floating around this board just about every pocket bike shop sells dirt bikes now
do you currently have any engines mike?
I'm currently running a ducar, i think it's one of the better chinease engines, it manages to keep up with the jialing powered bikes, my gear-box is a little dodgy though, and a freind of mine has bent both the selector forks in his gear box.
yea Im preety sure we still have some left, i'd have to check though. Pm me if you are still iterested.