Ttttttiiiiiiimmmmmyyyyy you stud. haha
Congrats brother.
Miniriders know how to put out!! haha
Anyone else while we are at it?? Should I start a safe sex thread yet??? hahaha
Stoked for all you guys.
Cheers mate
Ttttttiiiiiiimmmmmyyyyy you stud. haha
Congrats brother.
Miniriders know how to put out!! haha
Anyone else while we are at it?? Should I start a safe sex thread yet??? hahaha
Stoked for all you guys.
congrats mate, welcome to the beginning of the end, may as well sell all ya bikes now(jokes)
i like the safe sex thread idea.. maybe we should be encouraging members to pull out not ride it till the end haha
Well said + 1 LOL Oh yea, and I spose some congratulaitons goes to you too![]()
OK due to the fact I was feeling left out, and that things come in 3's. I can now safetly mention that I am also gonna be a 1st time Dad around 15th Oct.... Maybe i might have to promote myself to a Master Spanner Spinner now too LOL
Just read the thread. Wow awesome news for all of you! Especially the first timers, I can't wait till I have kids so I can start playing with Lego again!![]()