Mid-Size bikes are HOT!!! Why?

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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Give me a 10" combo any day , stuff this mid size **** im trying to make my mini smaller. Mid size bikes are fine for people that don't ride big bikes but I find if you own a big bike you want a small mini bike. No point having a midsize that's only a few cm's of the seat height of your big bike.
Though a mid size would be heaps better to thrash around full size tracks than a 50 and better to hit the forest tracks on but have fun trying to ride a midsize on tech bmx trails. At the end of the day it all comes down to what the rider need's and basic preference. I would love a crf150f to hit big tracks up.
Gime both

Spot on i say. I hate the way this sport is going. I still want a 10 inch wheel bling machine cause they are heaps more fun. I love my bike but would give it up for something i could hit my mountain bike dirt jumps on without wrecking them. The midsize thing i just dont get. They are just a bad handling, slow almost full size bike. Its the sketchyness of the tiny bikes that is so cool i reckon. Long live the crf 50s i say. Just my oppinion.:)
Well i think that many blokes of even average size get really uncomfortable riding tiny bikes like CRF50. I no for a fact my 6foot friend stacked my bike coz of a leg cramp lol (i was angry and confused). But Mid size are really 'mini' for bigger guys. And plus u dont look as dumb wen ur sittin on it lol (knees into ur face). Ps. nothing agaist crf50's great bikes

LoL yea, big guys look really dumb on little bikes ...

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