Well-Known Member
Give me a 10" combo any day , stuff this mid size **** im trying to make my mini smaller. Mid size bikes are fine for people that don't ride big bikes but I find if you own a big bike you want a small mini bike. No point having a midsize that's only a few cm's of the seat height of your big bike.
Though a mid size would be heaps better to thrash around full size tracks than a 50 and better to hit the forest tracks on but have fun trying to ride a midsize on tech bmx trails. At the end of the day it all comes down to what the rider need's and basic preference. I would love a crf150f to hit big tracks up.
Gime both
Spot on i say. I hate the way this sport is going. I still want a 10 inch wheel bling machine cause they are heaps more fun. I love my bike but would give it up for something i could hit my mountain bike dirt jumps on without wrecking them. The midsize thing i just dont get. They are just a bad handling, slow almost full size bike. Its the sketchyness of the tiny bikes that is so cool i reckon. Long live the crf 50s i say. Just my oppinion.