Mini Motards at Le Mans Dandenong

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Hi guys,
Looking for expressions of interest for riding mini motards in Dandenong at Le Mans Go Kart Track.

We're currently in discussions with the owner, there's about 6 people or so interested so far, trying to find a few more to see if we can pitch a good proposal to them.

Please let us know. It will be something such as once a week on a weeknight at that track..

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I have always wanted to give motard a crack.

Got anymore details? Time's etc?
No further details just yet on times or day.

At the moment we ride every Thursday night at South Morang (TUKE go kart track). The weather is a bit crap tomorrow so we're planning on heading there this Sunday during the day instead.

You should come down and bring a bike if you have one otherwise you can borrow mine to try it.
FYI we're riding down at South Morang tonight if any of you guys want to come down. Will be good to start getting regulars as it will help organise Dandy.
Im gonna be heading down tomorrow if the weather holds out
Need the numbers. Until we can get 10 people CONSISTENTLY at South Morang, Dandenong won't move.

Simple, but not easy!!

Right now the weather doesn't help but on weekends and stuff we're sometimes at South Morang. What we might do is hold a BBQ and have a few people turn up to South Morang, have discussions etc.
That's just a bit easier said than done too mate.

South Morang is a mile away from Dandy. I know there would be a few people keen for Dandy that wouldn't go to South Morang.

I'm still working on some wheels but pretty keen after that.

Obviously it's under lights?
I can be up at Sth Morang with my pocket bike on most weekends weather depending especially if it's gonna help secure Dandenong
Also my cousin has a pocket bike and is keen to ride
Eventually I will probably be setting up a 190 minimotard
Yeah awesome.
Yes south morang has lights. The problem is the cold and the dew on the track.
I'll chat to my mate, find out what numbers we need exactly, get a fixed cost and maybe get a deposit off everyone so that way were all locked in. Might work
The cold won't matter as much on the mortar I guess but its a big problem on the pocket bikes haha
I missed this one but will be down there next one on my pocket bike for sure
I was down there last night on my pocket bike it was a mad night the track is alot of fun, bumpy in spots but fun