Miniriders Graphic Kits - Sample Designs

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Oh I know crf , I really dont like the no pipe side number plate fairing being curved out. I have thought about this in the past however most chinga plastics coming out now dont have the curved plate eg Dhz etc.But yeh if i could get a template for it I could mybe do something also if you prefer no backgrounds with your graphics that can be arranged.
my mso has the exhaust running undernith the right hand side number plate so its curved to go around it
oh no. i cant believe that last statement.
im speechless.

looking good louis. keep up the good work buddy. i keen to purchase a few sets off you brother.
i likie...... i likie alot :D

id buy a set of ya but have you thought about decals for the forks and people with usd forks how there are those plastic protector things infront of the forks. you cant have the whole bike with those decals and have the forks with something different.

Anywayz they are looking goooood :cool:
Yeh I have incorperated universal lower fork protector graphics in the kits which only need to be trimed down to fit MOST usd fork covers.I am not going to have specific fork leg covers due to them not fitting most bikes
The first set but blue instead of red. when are orders going to be taken?
They are looking good, keep up the work..:cool:
bump , Im going to post up some more graphics some time this week. So stay tuned. Graphics should cost around 120 initially but if iget a few order they should come down to around 90 or so . I won't be making profit or if profits made it will be donated to the mods to refresh this site up a bit!!!

Also working on a shweet bumper sticker with the quote:
"its not the size that counts ,its how you use it"

Also got a few logo's comming including a boxing kangeroo sketch riding a mini , it took some time and is still being edited in order to be refined but will chuck that up aswell. Graphics will most likely be printed by blackant designs or incite graphics or possibly ringmaster depending on quantity so support up miniriders. Cheers

I got some fresh designs comming wayyyy better than those ones

I rigged up a new logo for miniriders , took me a few days to sketch and convert to photoshop so here it is:

I'd love to use it for the site logo :)
and was thinking of printing up a few stickers (clear obviously) for the member on hear. Feel free to send me your hate , thoughts ,praise , ideas. Cheers
