Grass? What grass? I've got dirt!
Worst thing is I can't tell where the dogs have **** now! :hmmm:
Top effort Justin the place is looking great! Your kitchen came out top notch too, you find any more cheap ones you give me a call!

unfortunately I'm a little while aways from a kitchen here. I'll be buying a 450 before I get a new kitchen lol.
Nothing too hard about rendering dude, I rendered my fence but I did get a mate to help float the 2nd coat off just because they're tall white walls that get the early morning side sunshine which is worse than fluro's for casting shadows from imperfections! But in saying all of that if your not handy with a trowel, I would think twice about taking on a job that size by yourself. Maybe just try the back off the house first. From memory a box of externals was about $80. Your going to need a good drill too! Not your run of the mill Ozito either! (Nick!)

Mixing up masonry render slaughters cheap drills so you might look at hireing one or borrowing a friends who has a decent one. Their are plenty of how too vids on YouTube, not sure on how indepth they are but worth a look if you don't have some one to show you. So say you're going to render around your back window. You'll need to cut the external to the length of the brick pillar (obviously) but then 45 the ends to a point and do this for every angle one the window and sil. You can see an example of this on my previous picks. Now they don't have to marry perfect, but they've got to be close. Also remember that because your using the mud to stick them on the lengths will need to be slightly longer.
Mix up some mud, just a small amount and trowel some out onto a hawk or aquivelent. (Top Tip)

>> grab an old tile the bigger the better like 600x600 is perfect! Sit the tile over the bucket your scooping out of n blob the render in the middle, then take off sections with your trowel, the aim is to try and get trowel length swipes but only about 25mm fat all the way along one edge of the trowel. Then start from one end of your external and slowly glide the trowel along the inside edge of your exy starting from the bottom of the trowel. Once the exy has got a nice bead of mud along it squish it on down on your brick work. Be sure to trowel off any excess mud that's come through the holes and out the sides.
Clear as mud mate! Good luck!! :grinning-smiley-003