nah wat u talkin bout fool lol..his doesnt even have a back...whats a shirt without a back! lol, . i agree its good but its a bit plain IMO..i like shirts to make an impression but not be too crowded
ohh and BTW i didnt mean votes for ME but just votes in general for this poll (**** al voted for taday)
you better..or ill smash all of you! IM BETTER THAN EVERYONE so vote for me dammit..'im soo freakin pissed!' lol. anyways yea vote for me MO FO's!
u should look at the shirt i made for my site in my business thread thingy..its fully sik ulerrr
I got the sarcasm dw, but its how you initially said your going to smash us if we dont vote for you then you kept going on about it O: that frightened me...
hey guys just another idea, i know its late but i'm psyched on the idea of shirts, so here's another one for thought....once again i dont know how to have it on the screen so here's the link.... i also posted this in the other thread....