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yeh that would be mad or the colour of the forum
yeah guys guud idea.. if we can get designs, i know a supplier that can print them here in brissy cheep.. its a place where we get all our QLD rowing team gear done at and ****.. if we can get sum designs i reckon i could order so many. then i can just send em out and about to u guys...

i reckon white wif blakc miniriders writing and pitty shiloette on the back.. wat u guys think
yeh would be mad how much would u sell em for
I had this exact same idea tonight.. I'm going to a T-Shirt printing shop tomorrow and im going to get mine printed :D
well we had to buy team shirts for 20$ but i am sure i can get them printed for 15$ + postage and i can send em down to a designateed person in each state and tehy can distribute. so basically if we bundle them in a bag and send the bag may cost 10$ so yeah shirts will b mayb 20$ probs cheeper.. this is rough as, i culd b weigh out they mite b cheeper.. i will suss it all otu tomorow guys.;) wat u think. post deisgns!
Why dont we just use the Miniriders text which is in the banner? Just take away the crap background...
do sketches if ur not guud on computer scan em in cos i can always touch it up on photoshop or sumthin........ and just an idea. if we get 40 shirts printed i will ask MSO for mayb 40$ that 1$ a shirt and we can hav there name or website printed in small on it.. that weigh thats a little bit of sponorship, cos we are a legit site
ROUGH AS GUTS DESIGN!!! hahahahaha 2 minute design and yes i love the g-unit writing atm i dont no why..

i will start us off posting sum designs
ah dude id buy one! haha ill hav to try design one if i got time 2moro haha im goin to malaysia 4 8 days 2moro nite so ill see wat i can do hehe but id buy one of those shirts
Dude, having logos and **** all over a t shirt doesnt look the best.. If we were making miniriders jerseys it would look good.
yeah boyz, would be sick to have some T-shirts!

i'll talk to miniriders & maybe i'll make up a batch of 10 or so to start with

proberly be around $25 each (I've got t's made in tha past)
nah to much hassel sorting jerseys adn stuff. lets just keep it simple first time off a shirt is fine.. mayb jersey second time round doing up sum miniriders merchandise.. but yeah like lets keep it plain, just hav miniriders try and get a pic of a pitbike in there like i hav attempted. keepin it cheep to print and stuff. thanks guys, keep poting ideas :)

EDIT: yeah hillz i did that last nite in 2 mins. we were just mucking around wif ideas. haha i did it on microsoft paint
i would just say use the miniriders logo at the top of the page & yeah a blackt out pick off a mini!

(or we can use my CRF! LMAO)
Can we get them in ckicks sizes too for us chicks on the site???
this is gonna turn out great i like ryans idea of the banner that would look good

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