they are the old ones from the thread, i saved these ones all those years ago, i think Unit_mx made them.... there was a fair few more there tooo
what ever happened to unit_mx its like he just vanished?
they are the old ones from the thread, i saved these ones all those years ago, i think Unit_mx made them.... there was a fair few more there tooo
i never see rockstar kits on bike i all ways see monster and sobe (minescrew you all
i had rockstar graphics before they even thought to make bloody gay friggen flat peak hats
i'll stick to my sikspak kit i reckon
but just for laughs
here's my sheep rounderupera
farmers union is owned by korin which is a jap company used to be owned by a vic company national foods so ya cant call it an sa thing and it's **** he he he
hmmm wonder what my mug would look like in place of the metal mulisha skull