My 125cc Orion Dirt bike (Very happy) pikkys

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LoL's no worrys mate, its ok i needed a laugh too but it didnt make me laugh :( lol well eating KFC atm brb

hahahahahahaha i laughed for ages when i heard that KFP joke, the funny thing is, ITS TRUE
haha lol
YEA man go hectic the suspention is good well... for me as im only 60 kg 15 years old.. soo yea i do jumps actually, i'll make a little vid with my doing a small jump to show ya, when i get time.. and head down to the park :)
125fanger said:
When you go over jumps do you stand up or sit down, and same with monos? :?:

**** man, dont sit when doin a jump other wise the site will bounce u up and u will fly over handle bars, need to stand up a little.
when doin mono's sit far back on the seat and practise in 1st gear at lifting the front end up
Hey lol, dont sit haha i just figured that out on my fist jump haha.. kained my ballz lol just stand up alittle bit and bend ya legs for the impact lol i dunno how to do monos atm can some1 inform me? thanks
monos will come to you naturally when you have gained experience, if you want to practise monos i do suggest you find a nice sort surface area so if you do come off backwards you wont get hurt, i do stress the word CAUTION when popping monos as i have heard of people breaking backs / necks ect whilst doing this type of stunt.
Yea... but how do u do it with the clutch n that... what gear ?

try just going slow in first gear and then pulling up and accelerating at the same time. you should be able to get it to lift up. remember that you cannot be going too slow or too fast when you try it
i do feel there is a need to give a 4 stroke a slight easy session of run in period for the first tank of fuel, we must remember that 4 strokes do have more moving parts internaly than the 2 stroke engine.
Hey, im happy.. i got 82km/h on my stock bike that is FAST really. well when ur on it it seems like ur going twice.. but yeah what would give us more top end?
lol, dump it hard from 1st to 2nd works fine for me

P.S it helps if you had good ballance

does anybody know how i can get my movies from my phone to my computer :?:

got a jump and a doughnut

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