my bike is doomed!!!

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i have 0ne t0
i have a 49cc dirt bike and a 49cc ch0pper wit n0 eninge
he g0es 140 f0r a nee eninge 0r pay extra 40 and get 110cc
no but i get my bikes fixed there all the time and i will be getting one from him soon
i never b0ught a bike fr0m ebay a meetppl they have rect bikes i buy them and fix them
really my cag didnt work when i got it i took it to him and he fixed it straight away it only cost me 10 bucks
h0w 0ld are u h0w ab0uts d0 u live in 0r near bankst0wn i live in padst0w i can ride my bike there
man learn to read a write, im sure with a bit of editing you will get alot more help. Mayb start with punctuation and correct spelling?

check ebay for a new engine, usually cheaper, but whoz to say the prob wont happen to the new engine. I would go for the new HT bolts and drum
I think your posting in the wrong forum...
Dude is your "o" button broken? why the hell do u keep using 0 ?? stop being such a retard

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