hay mate, nice looking bike. first thing that i would consider doing is getting yourself some high tensile bolts for the rear shocks with some decent shank on them. you will find when you take them out, they are completly threaded and after some decent riding it wil begin carving channels into the bushes. also they are really ****** material and hitting anything of magnitude will either snap or bend those bolts, i am not running high tensile bolts and wouldnt look back, actually makes the ride a little more comfortable because the bolt doesnt have room to rotate after its bent
one thing i go is ride my bike for a week period and after that week period i give it a good clean, bag up that air filter (i use freezer bags and rubber bands) or you could take the air filter off the bike and get a cap for the carby. wash the bike down with water, give it a quick dry down then when your done cut sick with the crc or wd40 in a spray bottol, i spray everything from head to toe except for things like grips, footpegs, stand etc... but things like the motor, chain, sprockets, shocker and forks, the whole lot.. (not the brakes either. you cant stop with oily brakes haha

) when thats done i re-lube my chain with some decent chain lube and then put the bike away. my bike comes out sparkling everytime and its great having crc on all the parts cause it makes the next clean easy as. the dirt will come right off no problems.
(just a quick tip, if you find that the places your riding are muddy and throwing alot of mud up into the guards, clean them out and rub some vasaline on the mud guards, then any mud that flicks up will fall straight off the bike no dramas.)
if you need anything else just post it up bro, we will see what we can do
Cheers, Tony.