My bike ( please give me some pointers)

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lol thanks

waht about shock ect... i know to change engine also a question about the lifan engine, will teh lifan engine make my bike go fast then it would with my ducar engine that in it now??
why does everyone think the lifan engines are faster. Do they run higher compression or bigger valves or rev harder. The ducar engines are good you just need to tune them and get some better bits(plug, lead, filter, and so on). $400 is a fair bit of parts.
I believe that lifans are fairly equal to the ducars. Its Just easier to get upgrade parts for as they are more common overseas. Alot of people do not like the Ducar because they mainly come out in the orion's and apollo's.
if its auto matic you will have to watch it i have an auto one had it for about 1 month and the gears stuffed up ducar engines are reall y good they have honda parts in them and are really strong
Dont change the Ducar engine until it dies. You just bought it so have fun with it.

Change the transportation oil immediatly. Make sure all screw and bolts you put on are tight and proper. Check the other bolts of the bike, they might get loose with time. Iv lost a bolt off the kick stand, a bolt off the exaughst,
a bolt off the fairing and a bolt off the wind deflecter. The last two may have been my fault, and the exaughst and kick stand could of been from the stack I had but I dont think so. Also check your chain, it might need adjusting like mine did. It should be tight but able to move up and down a good cm.

Keep an eye on the oil levels, make regular changes. Dont over rev the engine if the engine needs to go up a gear. I find that first goes nowhere so you will need to change to second after you role. Or give it a squirt and quickly change, I start in second but that may take you a few goes to get a hang of. Watch the engine doesnt get tooo hot or start smelling, if it does let it cool and check the oil.

Thats about it really, oil changes and dont over rev. Dont let it warm too long with choke on esspecially without air intake(in the garage). I dont think these bikes need a long warm up. Just let it idle for a couple minutes and you can increase the revs a bit too.

And they say a hard run in is the way to go. I treated the engine real good for the first few tanks until I found out about a hard run in then I gave it just that. Warmed up then hard acceleration and hard deceloration mainly in third and then fourth. Do it in second too. Just remeber the rule about over heating. Ill get you the link to the page which says how to do it. Just remember the engine gets and goes better with time as you run it in.

Im only new to bikes too and this is what I have learnt through experience and other people. Im no expert so dont blame me if iv made any mistakes and blame me for your bike exploding into a fireball of flames LOL. Keep searching and ask the profesionals.

If anybody can add how I can make my Pro x go better through modifications or changing parts id like to know.
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hay mate, nice looking bike. first thing that i would consider doing is getting yourself some high tensile bolts for the rear shocks with some decent shank on them. you will find when you take them out, they are completly threaded and after some decent riding it wil begin carving channels into the bushes. also they are really ****** material and hitting anything of magnitude will either snap or bend those bolts, i am not running high tensile bolts and wouldnt look back, actually makes the ride a little more comfortable because the bolt doesnt have room to rotate after its bent :D

one thing i go is ride my bike for a week period and after that week period i give it a good clean, bag up that air filter (i use freezer bags and rubber bands) or you could take the air filter off the bike and get a cap for the carby. wash the bike down with water, give it a quick dry down then when your done cut sick with the crc or wd40 in a spray bottol, i spray everything from head to toe except for things like grips, footpegs, stand etc... but things like the motor, chain, sprockets, shocker and forks, the whole lot.. (not the brakes either. you cant stop with oily brakes haha :) ) when thats done i re-lube my chain with some decent chain lube and then put the bike away. my bike comes out sparkling everytime and its great having crc on all the parts cause it makes the next clean easy as. the dirt will come right off no problems.

(just a quick tip, if you find that the places your riding are muddy and throwing alot of mud up into the guards, clean them out and rub some vasaline on the mud guards, then any mud that flicks up will fall straight off the bike no dramas.)

if you need anything else just post it up bro, we will see what we can do

Cheers, Tony.

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