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The bore is still not even 30mm wide yet, just 30mm tall,
doubt i can make it bigger than 30mm now after working on it.

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Yeah might polish it at some stage, that's finished with 180 freecut paper atm ^
Sanded back with some 1500 dry and then buffed with some 0000 steel wool.
Should do me for the moment, next thing will be a strip and clean then try out some jet's, but wont be for a couple of day's

I pulled down the Oko this morning and gave it a good blow through with compressed air.
Put it back together with the same jetting i was running in the Polini PWK28, #110 main, #45 pilot, clip on the middle notch of the needle, mixture screw 2 turn's out.

First kick it fired and stalled, then i tried the choke and it fired again and stalled.
Turned the choke off and tried starting it couple more time's, it would fire up but stall as i let it idle, i needed to raise the idle speed a bit and then it started and run's and idle's now.
Here's a quick video of it running, i haven't adjusted anything yet, so should be a bit better after a tune ypu can hear it bog once.
I reckon it feel's pretty much the same as the 28mm carby, but it should ride a bit better once it's tuned hopefully not as touchy on the throttle.

The bike is still dirty after riding at Stus' place the other weekend.

Subscribed! A lot of valuable info on this beast which will prepare me for my next purchase.
Awesome thread and what a bike you have their Craig...I want one :)