thanx for the props oldhack but it's no biggy what sort of dick wouldn't share something like this ? Anyway my battles seem to be all but over and yeah me and Hillz had a ball ... the beach runs were too much fun you almost have to pinch yourself to make sure ya not dreamin lol ... a few things became apparent pretty quick you'll need a midsize at least as the sand is deep ...I'll probably bring a big bike next year although the midsize was siiiick fun once you get used to it . The other thing is there is no way to get a machine in there ...even a backhoe would need a chainsaw and a day to get in so it'll all be shovels I'm afraid lads ... there's water and a shacks ... some good some run down and abandoned so you wa boys are good to go now ... I'm all for it but any compound is gunna be hard won land's just thick scrub and sand dunes ...everywhere
here's a few pics
Anyway cheers again oldhack hopefully I'll see ya down there soon .
here's a few pics

Anyway cheers again oldhack hopefully I'll see ya down there soon .