Well-Known Member
man, awesome place...def something to be jealous about
and yeah Snitchy, i need a place to get "lost" for a
and yeah Snitchy, i need a place to get "lost" for a
great spot for riding tracks every where! & in the arvo when the tide goes out its beach runs for all
my 50 is still covered in salt water & sand, as is the YZ from a few aqua plains
might be way off but is that near the road out off jurien bay.
now thats a wicked bit of land... where abouts in WA is it?? cause i will be there... and my suggestion is u make a spot where everyone is alowd to camp there... for a price of course and like some ramps and a track and get alot of different people to built dif parts of the track so its more unpredictable and chanlengingplease let us know when we can come check it out...
regards Jack
sweet as hillz u know where it is in WA mate?
Yeah it's all mine my mum had the forsight to buy it 40 years ago and thought it'd be developed by know .....they think they sorta got ripped off because it hasn't ..... they are not really interested got other things goin on and gave me the deeds about a year ago .I can do what I want there.
there's alot more there you can't see in this snap but its the best photo I got the fishing is all time and there's a killer righthand pointbreak about 10kms by boat's also one of only two places southern right whales calve in the world .... oh yeah it's twenty kms along the beach or boat to the nearest town Bremer Bay.Those shacks are salmon fishermans squatters shacks ... not supposed to be there ....there's about 15 on my land ....I'm gunna kick most em out I think