My long, But Succesful Weekend!

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Andrew Aslan

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, i finaly "un-stocked" me bike .. haha.
Last weekend i went to Appin Motocross, got there nice and early and was going to go for a ride in the trials with my dad. And i go to start up my bike and get it worm and it wouldnt start! We checked the spark plug and we were not getting a spark! So my dad went down to the motorbike shop and get my one, we put it in and still no spark! We asked the guys next to us if they could give us a hand. They said it could be the cdi. So we went home and put the bike away. The next day we went to a chinese motorbike shop, it was sorta dodgy shop but we changed the CDI and still no spark so then we changed the Coil. And still no spark so then the guy said we should try a Magneto so he went and got a new magneto, put it in and NO SPARK! So he went in got another one and still no spark the guy said to us that we once got a bulk of 150 magnetos and all were faulty. So the next day my dad took my bike to his work and took it to another bike shop, these guys had a really good shop and was not dodgy :p The guy went and got a magneto put it and yay! We got a spark, so the magnetos at the other shop were faulty. My dad said if he has any others because this one looked sorta old. He said no, but we have a "Lighten Flywheel" dad looked at and said ok lets put it in (also a high performance CDI) and man there was a massive diffrence it sounded so much nicer, i took it for a ride and man there was so much power in the high rpm's. So we bought it, and we also got the guy to tune up the carby and he put on a new gasket.
Now my bike is working PERFECT now and is soo much better.
ps. i got the same one as Jono.

Im thinking of getting a new sticker kit for my bike and also some pro taper bars.

Cheers Andrew
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Bloody hell that was a read!
Good thing to see that you have got a spark and you can ride again.
Note to self: Never go to dodgy chinese stores
haha yea sure was a big read :p Yeh, i know it ill never go to a that shop again.

ps. how do i change the title to this thread?
guys, how do i change the Thread name.. when i click edit i can only edit the words in the text.
Good stuff Andrew. I like your dad. He sounds persistent with problems, and he also seems to know how important a good running dirt bike is for a young boy.
Good stuff Andrew. I like your dad. He sounds persistent with problems, and he also seems to know how important a good running dirt bike is for a young boy.

haha cheers, my dad said to tell "i thank you for thanking me (with his thumb up :p )"

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