My new pipe

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no i didnt get the ider from reece, i got the wrong step up pipe and got this one so im like mmmh ill use it,
it might be the same lenght but the bends in it flow hell of alot better therefore should be better, but if it dosent no lost anyways
a airfilter......... at our club u need all the vents from the catch cans to have an filter that is one of them
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corey ur a sick mofo
u know whats hot and whats not and ur bike show it bro
ill be there with ya soon...well rx stylez and TREXing:confused: it up

big ups bro
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i would never spent 17grand on a bike, expecialy a mini, thats just a waist, still a nice bike tho
if u want to be dfferent these days u gotta spend the dollers and corey has done that indeed
im new here but when it comes down to it....its a weapon and when your serious about ur hobby/love, money aint an object

again big ups to mild to wild(corey and his dad)much inspiration gathered from his bike and inspires me to go wild on my rx:eek:
lol spoonta68 might be new at this site ASR but he gonna have the wolrd fastest RX so he all kool man
i appologise for the insult, get some pics of the bike up man.. i heard its gonna be the best rx ever..
i will asap just gotta change a few things as standard is boring and we all know u have seen a standard rx lol

thinking of changing the headlight to a twin streetfighter look or sachs madass look
also looking for new sticker kit thinking rockstar as i love the ****
well bikes black but thinking of ether going yellow or white plastics if motovert will come to party with the weird proportion front and rear gaurds as they differ a whole lot from crf

anywyas ill stop hijacking coreys thread
sorry bro lol

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