My Vert officially buggered

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Mojo Motorcycles Australia
Check this out Flarry. You might learn something. (doubtful)

I know about that. Did you read the post date of that bulletin? October 2006. Ever wonder why none of his recent acheivments are on the website?? Because he rides a klx110 now.

Watch any of his dvd's and you'll see aswell. :rolleyes:

I also remember a story about him being at a competition once and his bike broke and motovert wasnt around with his backup bike so he had to drop out of the comp.
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Sorry Flarry,some fact finding on my part proved I was completly wrong.

Anyway finally got to see the shopowner today. He was convinced it was just the CDI gone wrong. Well guess what he swapped it for a brand new one and still no spark!!!!!.
First one hes ever had like this he says!!!!! So looks like the bike will be in the shop till the weekend until he figures out what is wrong.
On a good note they are giving me a new front wheel with billet hub gratis, new sprocket and billet hub for back wheel, plus got my proper pro tapers and getting a discount off Marzocchi internals and adjuster kit.

Not great news but at least things are looking a bit more positive. All I need now is my bike back and running.

BTW I took a brand new Motovert RX for a spin today:D :D :D wicked fun. Shame about the gay sounding restricted exhaust. Got digi speedo on it. I want one of these!!! (only got it to 60 kmshr) was in a carpark lol

Anyway I am probably going to sell the PRO in a few months and buy a MSO140s as I am planning a Pitty riding trip around Aussie( Buying a Mitsubishi L300 4wd van and decking that out shortly.)
Hopefully will get to ride with a few of the members on here. will keep youse posted. thanx for the interest and comments over the past 2 weeks. I Also apologise bout me whinging:eek:

Thanks JOSH or whatever you like to be known as. Slow response but a response none the less cheers.
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good to hear things MIGHT be looking up mate. certainly not the best customer service though.. two weeks later and now they decide to investigate the matter... I know my $$ wouldnt be spent on a povovert now...

Keep us informed of the outcome, and more importantly, on the Round Aus Trip!! (might have work in melb-labouring for a few weeks if ya need it)
Cheers Foolsp33d! Ill be on the lookout for a van in a few weeks, and hopefully be on the road in February/march(4 weeks hols but if I dont make it back in time no biggy).
Any other work offers much appreciated.

Certified(shop in Cairns) sorted everything out in like 2 hrs great service, wish it coulda been done 3 weeks ago but. Mojo on the other hand hmmmmm:mad:
good to here you got things goin
as for josh i got stuck into him the other day after i got back from hobart
he said he wasn't sure what i was on about so i emailed him your email
it jogged his memory i reckon
but i still haven't heard from him to let me know how you went
the dudes a shocker
but most importers are

anywayz stay intouch on your trip we'll take ya riding for sure
Haha shitvert, yeh i had one glad i got rid of it. Mine did the same, the hub/sprocket came loose from the rim and all the bolts snapped off in the rim, took mojo 2 months to get a replacement so no riding. Put red loctite on those 4 hex bolts and upgrade em to high tensile ASAP.
Haha shitvert, yeh i had one glad i got rid of it. Mine did the same, the hub/sprocket came loose from the rim and all the bolts snapped off in the rim, took mojo 2 months to get a replacement so no riding. Put red loctite on those 4 hex bolts and upgrade em to high tensile ASAP.

Yep look at this.

LOL now all the bad reports about motovert come out. Wish I knew all this 6 weeks ago. If 1 person reads this and decides to buy something other then a motovert then this whole ******** was worth it.
BTW got bike back today. So far so good. Not holding my breath but.
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glade to hear you got your bike back. let us know how she holds up and maybe even a few pics :).
road trip sounds awsome let us know if you pop into newcastle. :D
have fun mate
Just picked up on this and thought I should reply.

I am the owner of Certified and Motovert dealer in Cairns. Due to pre-exsisting commitments I was kept away from the store for the last few weeks so missed most of what went on. Certified has been open since 2005 in that time we have sold hundreds of bikes to hundreds of happy customers. In recent months we have had a turn over of essential and very experianced staff however I have maintained a qualified mechanic in my absence. Communication seems to of been and problem in Kristians case and now I have seen this thread I will investigate further.

When Kristians bike was presented to me I checked it over and found the following problems, The Can had become loose and moved back on the pipe 5mm, the chain at sometime had come loose and contacted the frame which had left a small scuff/gouge of less than 1mm depth, faulty coil and flat spotted front wheel. All above problems were repaired, front wheel and coil replaced no questions asked and bike checked over and given the OK and returned to customer no charge. All these problems are unfortunate but hardly major incidents and we have gone out of our way to ensure Kristian was looked after.

In my time as a Motovert dealer I have found the guys at Mojo to offer excellent product support and any warranty issues I have had (and that would be less than 2 or 3) have been sorted out in a timely manner. The first point of contact in any case should always be the dealer not distributer. I can only imagine the volume of emails going to Mojo and I am sure they reply asap to all inquiries.

It's unfortunate that this matter had to become so public but I guess you can't please all the people all the time.

On a side note Kristian called me the day after he picked up his bike and informed me that he had flat spotted another wheel:confused:


that poor motovert pro =P looks like he needs some new wheels bad haha thats a shame too case by the looks of that engine it would FLY! wouldnt mind going for a spin on a bike running one of those XD

pickaninny ive got one thing to say.. this josh bloke i would hunt him down and sh*t in his slippers, go to the top and *** him round and then of course you could make the rest up im not putting death threats on minirders haha

but how much mantinance do you do pickaninny?? just a question dont wanna get my head bitten off haha =P
Ok youse want nasty here comes mr nasty. Where do I start? Seeing as Damien has decided to answer questions thru this site not personally(unlike i done numerous times in an attempt to sort this **** out.) It was not a case of me going public staright away when I found a problem. I gave Mojo and yourselves more then enough time to contact me whilst the bike was having problems.( several e-mails and phone calls and still no reply is when I come on here to let others know the probs i was having. read the post dates. If you had done your part(not tell me when you get back that you would have done this or done that, while the truth is you done nothing till I took things a step further.) So to say I didnt give you a chance is crap. Still waiting for 6 MONTHS warranty to be printed up!!!! But I guess i havent given you a chance huh. as for thenew wheel it is not flat spotted just the rim does not seem to be true. Small imperfection on one side(1-2mm variation). Now granted all the **** that has happened to my bike in the short period i have owned it i thought i would do the right thing and inform damien. Well in future I will just make it a warranty claim.
Oh and Hillz. Go suck a fat one.
Anyone else got smart ass comments?
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so are you keeping it or what, and how did all the fixes go, apart from the wheel
01-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Just picked up on this and thought I should reply

what a joke

pick drop by my place when ya up this way we'll have to have a beer or 3
Always like a buisness owner to shift the blame.
If you werent 11 years old I might have taken offence. Lucky you.
Does your Mum know that you on-line talking to adults?

pshhh please... Im not the one who went and spent $3600 on a china! You SHOULD have taken the bike back asap as soon as you started noticing problems... its only common sense, something which you seem to be lacking.Even if the store/supplier wasnt willing to fix your problem you have to be persistant, persistance doesnt include posting about your problems on a minibike forum. Some advice... Look into things a lil more before you go spending that sort of cash on a product from china.

call me what you will, at the end of the day.. Im the one with the last laugh.

and Coolmodee.. yer thats just lame. nice try though.

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