Sorry Flarry,some fact finding on my part proved I was completly wrong.
Anyway finally got to see the shopowner today. He was convinced it was just the CDI gone wrong. Well guess what he swapped it for a brand new one and still no spark!!!!!.
First one hes ever had like this he says!!!!! So looks like the bike will be in the shop till the weekend until he figures out what is wrong.
On a good note they are giving me a new front wheel with billet hub gratis, new sprocket and billet hub for back wheel, plus got my proper pro tapers and getting a discount off Marzocchi internals and adjuster kit.
Not great news but at least things are looking a bit more positive. All I need now is my bike back and running.
BTW I took a brand new Motovert RX for a spin today

wicked fun. Shame about the gay sounding restricted exhaust. Got digi speedo on it. I want one of these!!! (only got it to 60 kmshr) was in a carpark lol
Anyway I am probably going to sell the PRO in a few months and buy a MSO140s as I am planning a Pitty riding trip around Aussie( Buying a Mitsubishi L300 4wd van and decking that out shortly.)
Hopefully will get to ride with a few of the members on here. will keep youse posted. thanx for the interest and comments over the past 2 weeks. I Also apologise bout me whinging
Thanks JOSH or whatever you like to be known as. Slow response but a response none the less cheers.