I have been reading all this crap, and its really quite pathetic, and very juvinille. I work at Certified/IRD and i would just like to say that Kristian has been posting alot of harsh comments. I am a mum of two who enjoys riding and i work in the shop from time to time to help out damian. I have never claimed to be a mechanic nor do i want to be one. I have never touched any bike let alone repair them. So for the comment about kristian not wanting us/ me to touch it, i have never attempted to do so. He came in while damian was away and i told him that nothing could be done til he returned,which was in like 1 week, and he would attend to it asap, which he did.(While damian is away we have a mechanic on call, but all warranty claims go through damian direct.) Kristian was nice as pie to my face and i bent over backwards to help him in everyway possible. He may as well have spat in my face..... Not too happy because the issue was resolved immediately upon damians return. If he had any problems he should have brought it back in and it would have been resolved also. So i find it quite rude to be accused of being a **** worker, let alone a mechanic, which i have never stated to be. We have done everything possible to please this guy Kristian, and he has done nothing. He has had several opportunitys to bring his bike in for ,THE MECHANIC, not me, to address any issues he may have, But instead decides to post slanderous comments about the store and Damian via this thread which i think is a cowardly thing to do, let alone very immature. So next time he wants to accuse the staff there of being ****, maybe he should come say it to my face. Real manly thing to do.