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helmet: $110-
keeping your head in one piece: priceless
trust me mate you dont want brain damage, been there, done that....
it aint fun
not trying to "gang" up on you there but i think what you will find most people arn't happy about is that people see videos like that and think that minibikes arn't safe because people don't be safe on them. Its LAW to wear a helmet on a push bike even. So one of the things they are cracking up about is the criminal activities you basically gloat about in the video. Not to mention the younger kids that don't know any better and watch the video and believe they don't need to wear a helmet because you didn't bother.
Your right if you mess yourself up and even kill yourself it is not our problem and to put it bluntly I don't care if you do die, nothing personal, people die everyday. Riding pitbikes however is a past time of just about everyone on the forum and if people start getting killed riding them then they change the laws to make it harder to enjoy our past time.
i understand the dangers and what i put myself into, i do not want anyone copying me in anyway, i would love a helmet but atm i cant get one, ive got other **** to do first, my bike being in pieces anyway so im in no hurry yet, what i dont like is pointing the obvous like im the only one who has done this and rediculous language like i personally exploited their mother, my friend doesnt have any skill but he also hasnt ridden a motorbike much his problem is too much heart with not enough skill, cant blame someone for having a go, yet again i understand completely about the helmet situation, i didnt think that this vid would actually have an impact like it has, the name says it all it was just 2 days at the bush mucking around, take it as it is. Now if someone buys me a helmet id gladly use it ;);)
I think the helmet on a CRF50 / mini should be a personal prefference kind of thing... (there decision & there Consequence’s)

Coz i 2 do not wear a helmet on the CRF,... but do wear them on big bikes & the more midsize mini's
I think the helmet on a CRF50 / mini should be a personal prefference kind of thing... (there decision & there Consequence’s)

Coz i 2 do not wear a helmet on the CRF,... but do wear them on big bikes & the more midsize mini's

Yeah, doesnt anyone here watch 50 movies?? Like 50 nuts etc?

Look at the stuff they do, you'd hate them! But I think thats really what 50 riding is all about, having fun.

They ride through shopping centers in that movie, they're drunk half the time. Doing ridiculous stuff like that on a 50 is what makes 50 riding exciting sometimes.

Sometimes its about serious riding but in the end you have to stop and just ride for fun every now and then.

Read TJ Russels article in the latest 50s brotherhood! That sums it up really well.
yeah, i agree with what a lot of guys are saying about setting a bad example for kids and laws will eventualy get tougher, i always try to follow the law as best as i can, but it really is a preference thing, i think i see just as much people riding minis without helmets than with around my area. I think riding unregistered and unlicensed is more of an issue, well around my area it is, when i see someone hooning around behind my house on the walking track i dont think that guys should be wearing a helmet, i think that tossa is gonna kill someone else.

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