motoluver i stll am yet to see your vl properly. so keep yours eyes out for a red 323i bmw e30 (with gay chrome rims that it had when i bought it) and say g'day
they look wog, whoever said that thing about vns is stupid, vns chop vl's man, and yes i do know plenty of mates who have vn's and the motors are still tip top
VN's are rated one of the ugliest commodores made.
but id love a 13bt rx3 or rx4
The VL is a cult car. It always has been, it always will be.
The VN on the other hand is like a child that should have been drowned in a bucket at birth cause it is so damn ugly and really a let down to the rest of the holden family.
I wouldn't have a clue what that car looks likeDo you go into newwy Thursday nights??? I sometimes go in with a couple of cars. If ya see my car parked come say hello.
Here is an example of a nice VL
you gunna bid on it ???
good man if you do l0l
but i dunno if you will get it ive got 4 dudes saying they will buy it now for 800 2moz so dunno lol
and to more dudes saying that they will give me 700
then 1 more dude offering me 600 for it lol