need help on atomik *newbie*

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Aug 6, 2009
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hey guys need your help im new to all this so yeh. Got my bike last week it was running fine but 1 week later it started to make funny noise's wer the engine was then it just died out and made a loud click and everything lockd up even the kick start is stuck so im thinking i must done something pretty hektic ... so help if you can please
she's a bin job

could have done a few things ,kick start gears bearing who knows

go see atomik , i want a new 1 ,didyou change out the oil when you got it ??
so i cant rebuild or anything like that? I was planing to get new motor but would the prices be ranged at and nah i didnt change oil i got it second hand it
lol second hand atomik!!! :D
straight in the bin

a new engine would cost twice what the bike's worth

how much did you pay for it?
yeh i got the bike for 400
im planing to get another bike my budget is $1300 and lower what brand or make or a bike should i get bang for a buck that has power and looks nice
yeh second hand crf50 or klx110 and do it up,
otherwise a dhz 140 would be the best option for that pricerange, use the leftover cash to upgrade the crap bits
where do you live??? might be interseted if your not far. if you sell.
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so do you need the bikes for parts ? i live in north west near highpoint
ah ok kool kool how old is it?

did u find out what happened?

i just got a 250cc atomic prox for a carton opf beer lol so trying to find some info on them

hhahhahahahahhahah its **** house

needs a few things fixed but well worth it, and the engine has good compression so once its running should run well =)

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