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Yeah, could be exhaust guard, the guard that covers the front sprocket rattled on mine also, could be that. Just rev it till it rattles then touch stuff and see if it stops or u can 'feel' the rattle
yeh it happened 2 me wat u wanna do is take ur bash plate off and look if any of the main engine mounts are broken 1 of my main engine mounts for the bottom end of my mottor snapped in half i recommened u go down 2 bunnings and get som heavy duty bolts for it
If it is getting worse then it should be easy to find. Grab a 8mm spanner and a 10mm and work your way around all the bolts until you find the loose or broken one. Or do what worm said and put some golves on and go poking around.
sometimes the springs where the muffler joins the pipe rattle, the sound travels down to the header pipe and sounds like its coming from there.

prob not the noise but worth a look.
Check the pot-rivets in the exhaust, they come loose and the exhaust rattles!

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