need new OS..

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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ok so my current pc is running windowz tiny.. and certainly isnt performing to its optimum.. Is anyone running windows 7 here yet? did you purchase or 7orrent it?

pc specs are
Phenom x4 940 (64 bit), GA-MA790X-UD4P, 4g ddr1600, 500g HD, Radeon 1g, 24" monitor

so what would you suggest? If anyone has Vista 64 and is looking to part with it.. PM me.. If someone has acsess to a Kopy of win 7 that they would donate my way.. PM me!

If you have suggestions as to other OS' reply in the thread, be sure you give ya reasons as to why!

if ya want a new genuine copy let me know

NEW!!! Microsoft Windows 7- Home Premium 32-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $130 plus freight
Microsoft Windows 7- Home Premium 64-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $130 plus freight

Microsoft Windows 7- Pro 32-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $175 plus freight
Microsoft Windows 7- Pro 64-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $175 plus freight

i can proby get it dropshipped straight to you

if you choose XP make sure its 64bit so it uses all your ram
OK Fools here is the lowdown.

Vista 64bit sucks bat. Virtually NO driver support for 32bit let alone 64. Stay right away. Plus runs like crap. Even after tweaking it to hell.

Windows 7 is kick ass. Runs really sweet. Would be my reccommendation. I have acquired a torrent for it and tested. Jump on ISO Hunt and look for Windows 7 Ultimate. PM my for a serial if you can't find one. Personally I would stick with 32bit. Apart from the better memory allocation (which for the average joe menas nothing), you will have less problems than 64. Especially with driver support. A lot of printers for example do not have 64 bit drivers. Just a lot of messing around for very little gain.

Windows 7 supports 4 gig of RAM.
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if ya want a new genuine copy let me know

NEW!!! Microsoft Windows 7- Home Premium 32-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $130 plus freight
Microsoft Windows 7- Home Premium 64-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $130 plus freight

Microsoft Windows 7- Pro 32-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $175 plus freight
Microsoft Windows 7- Pro 64-bit English 1pk DSP OEI DVD $175 plus freight

i can proby get it dropshipped straight to you

if you choose XP make sure its 64bit so it uses all your ram

There is a boot.ini and registry change you can make to Professional to get all your RAM working. Up to 4 gig.
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yeah i havent really looked at windows 7 much, i loaded it on a 2 notebooks and had problems when closing the lid/screen(BSOD)

personally im waiting till SP1 is available

and the pro hack for ram is good but for some1 that has basic knowledge and goes to reinstall, there going to say... arhhhh where has all my ram

but yeah theres always headaches with any 64bit version of windows, which is stupid cause how long has 64bit been around for now.....ages....

just remember too that microsoft arnt really cracking done on pirated versions yet, as they would be relying on anyone and everyone for sending error reports so they can compile the SP1
yeah i havent really looked at windows 7 much, i loaded it on a 2 notebooks and had problems when closing the lid/screen(BSOD)

personally im waiting till SP1 is available

and the pro hack for ram is good but for some1 that has basic knowledge and goes to reinstall, there going to say... arhhhh where has all my ram

but yeah theres always headaches with any 64bit version of windows, which is stupid cause how long has 64bit been around for now.....ages....

just remember too that microsoft arnt really cracking done on pirated versions yet, as they would be relying on anyone and everyone for sending error reports so they can compile the SP1

We have tested it in a lab for the last couple of weeks. Hasn't skipped a beat. Don't have it on a lappy though. Really is a good OS, I wouldn't hesitate in buying it even without SP1 (First OS I have said that since XP).

lol. Yeah editing the boot.ini file is easy but I hate telling people to edit registry settings. Can end in tears pertty quickly. lol

Yeah it's BS. We have a tonne of server running it and printer driveers give us a real headache. Had to custom compile a few. Not fun at all. 64bit has been around for 15 years on HP-UX platforms!! lol. Windows 7 should help as the driver strucutre has gone back a bit more towards XP. A lot more 64bit XP drivers should work.

I have serials which technically give you a legitate copy of Windows 7 Ultimtae. No need for cracking. Just gotta be careful when downloading updates.
I use ubuntu a fair bit its really good, only let down is you cant use windows programs. but it is free, you just download it from there web site.
Im running vista premium 64bit on my notebook and hell is it useless for compatibility. There up to service pack 2 now and it still hasnt helped.

Motorman do you know any cracks for windows 7 that will cancel out windows putting in there smart ass update to detect pirated copies?

...I managed to find one for XP pro ages ago but maybe nothing has been made for windows 7 yet?

Im keen for windows 7 but i dont want to be selecting which updates to be downloaded every 3 days
never had a driver issue with vista and dont mind it as an OS it laged a bit until i upgraded my ram since then it's been sweet mind you it only does simple operation

running 32bit but don't see the benefit of 64 as you say

if i was to change it would be to a Linux setup but i'm way to lazy to build it to what i want

7 looks like vista i mean there's not much that 7 does that vista doesn't it just does it a bit easier and doesn't take up much space

cant stand xp now because I've come accustomed to vista
Motorman do you know any cracks for windows 7 that will cancel out windows putting in there smart ass update to detect pirated copies?

...I managed to find one for XP pro ages ago but maybe nothing has been made for windows 7 yet?

Im keen for windows 7 but i dont want to be selecting which updates to be downloaded every 3 days

You can simply hide the said update in question mate. It's the "Windows Genuine Advantage Update" that you want to stay clear of. Don't know of any specific cracks at the moment but I'm sure one will pop up. I never worry as once you know what not to install, you just keep not selecting it. I don't think anyone CBF putting updates on every few days. Just do it like once a month unless you have a need. Sometimes they break more things than they fix.

Linux is a great OS but way too much messing around.

The biggest advantage of windows 7 is not the disk space used as it's actually more than Vista, it's the fact you don't need as powerful PC to run it. They have got rid of a lot of the disk intensive apps (like indexing) to help speed the OS up. So for anyone running Vista, go to Windows 7 and you will notice a large increase in performance from your machine.

In saying that fools PC is already pretty kick ass. :D
hehe thanks for the props moto.! I cant claim the build.. Its the girlfriends pc.. I'm just playing with it :) now.. Who can supply a donated version of win 7 in 64bit! Pm me :) tis near impossible to download anythin using the n95 as the only means of net!
hehe thanks for the props moto.! I cant claim the build.. Its the girlfriends pc.. I'm just playing with it :) now.. Who can supply a donated version of win 7 in 64bit! Pm me :) tis near impossible to download anythin using the n95 as the only means of net!

I have a copy mate. 99% sure it's for both 32bit and 64. PM me your address details and I will help you out. ;)
damn this thread just reminded me of something I forgot to do today, sorry fools

If you want the 64bit that bad I'll get it, burn it & send it for $5

but if motorman has one already then maybe I don't need to post the 32 bit one anymore? let me know mate

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