neerim and cops

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Your a ******** either way. Caught or not.

I don't give a flying **** who else and how many other people ride there. If you intend on riding on public/council property and get caught for it then you deserve whats coming to you.

In my opinion I hope a copper reads this and gets the lot of you. So many people ride and get caught and give the other bike riders a bad name, big or small.

i really resent this

i think if you have all the proper gear and you dont ride on roads to get there then i dont have a problem with it as your not causing any problems you have done the right think by getting proper transport to the location and your riding in proper gear i have heard where people have done this coppers usually dont care as long as you do the right and your a ******** but everyone has there own opinion i have some council land surrounding my land and there have been trails there for 20 plus years and there been alot of guys who ride there i have never seen the cops down there once but i have heard stories

but it still isnt legal but neither is downloading songs and everyone does that, drinking underage thats illegal but i bet ya most of you have done no one is as straight edge as they would like to think

i also suggest you probably shouldnt post things that may be illegal
I dont mind when people are in full gear going down he SIDE road in a remote area aslong as ther in low revs and now reving hte frekle out of there engine.
But people hooning round with not helmet in susbrban areas or main roads give me the ***** :frustrated:
give neerim a miss n head to a local track.. you will find it to much WOT for the poor POS you posted in the other thread to keep up, the water crossings WILL drown you.. and leave you stranded.. its not legal.. but if you dont take on board what we have suggested.. I suggest taking photos as you cross the river near the toilet block... it will probably be the last time you or the bike is seen :)
Nice photo Foolsp33d!

I reckon if he hits it flat tack in top gear he can aqua plane across...
im not goin anyway.. prob gonna go franga track instead
hay im just wondering...
can cops fine ya for riding on a property that is your relatives? (50% my auncles, 50% my gramps)
coz i ride there all the time but i also have to ride up the dirt road about 1.5kms to get there.
so yeah can cops fine u for riding on a relatives property?
If you have permission to ride ON the property then no. They can only tell you turn keep the noise down. Riding up the dirt road to get to the property they could fine you,
Your alowed to ride on private property as long as you have permission from the owners of the land. Although riding to get there you could get pulled up and fined for that. Im no expert but I think you will get riding a motorbike with no lisence and riding a motorbike that is also not registured. But if you keep your revs down and have all the gear im sure you'll be okay but at the same time its also breaking the law.

I used to ride in the bush out the back of a friends property and there was a few back roads people walked on as long as I kept my revs low (4th gear at **** all speed) they wouldn't mind at all actually half of them waved and we never ran into the police. But it all depends on the location and if there are other riders and how you ride.
Do not go riding un rec reged and licensed at Neerim. There are a LOT of police that patrol the area and you will get caught no question about it.

Nice pic fools. I goon ride up and down that river. You used to have to do that before they put that road in. Seen many a 4wd come unstuck. It's too bloody easy now.

And Krazed, my mate hydroplaned across. Took way more speed than he originally thought so hit WOT, made it across and then crashed into the embankment on the other side. haha. Wish I had a video of that.

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