Never liked them much ...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Harley Davidson ... Hardly Moving son ... Hardly Dangerous ... John Deer tractors ...

Whatever you want to call them. I've never been a fan of them, asking big bikkies for 80 year old technology, together with the 'Gold Card' harley community who think they're better than other bikers ... so this pic appeals to me.

Mate found the pic, I added the words:


haha yeah they arent very appealing to me either. very slow and loud and most of the riders are just ******s who in a group think they rule everyone but when there on their own its a different story, **** scared fat ******s lol!
ok so ive now probably got all the bikies mad at me so all i can say is BRING IT ON U FU$#ERS :p lol

p.s. dont hurt me :)
if i said that to just 1 of them alone..theyd probably cry or sumthing lol
yeah they didnt apeal to me i perfure to ride jap bikes but my aunty has 2 an my uncle has 1 an i took my auntys for a ride an it changed my mind about them abit
they has some balls i luved the power of them but you just cant throw them around as much
here is some pics also this is my mates chopper once again its got alot of power but thats it an the 300 tyre makes it impossible to turn oh the other good thing about riding the chopper is that you turn heads lol



dont go, dont turn, and dont stop, give me a Ducati any day, or a VTR, or TL1000s, But honestly, Harley Davidson are the only V-twin that I dont like. Sure some are nice to look at and some even sound sic as, I even know a couple of great guys that ride them. But I would never own 1, especially a bagger like the 1 in ruby's pic.
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i dislike choppers...they just dont float my boat, pretty much sink it! i just cant see whats so good about em!
I don't like 'em because they all pull up and slag jap bikes. I'm yet to meet one who doesn't talk ****. They think because they waste money on Hardleys it earns them the right to slag everything else on two wheels. Mid-life crissis ****** wanna-bes. They buy their HD jackets and HD bandanas, and other catalogue goodies and suddenly their better than God.

I had one ****** pull up one time wanting my parking spot. Asked me ... correction: told me to move my POS and put it in the industrial bin in the alley. I told him I'd already looked and it was full of Hardleys. LOL
You gotta love those bikies who think that FAT is MUSCLE. I would like to see one of them in a fair one one on one fight with no weapons then they would find out that FAT is just FAT.
Harley Davidson ... Hardly Moving son ... Hardly Dangerous ... John Deer tractors ...

Whatever you want to call them. I've never been a fan of them, asking big bikkies for 80 year old technology, together with the 'Gold Card' harley community who think they're better than other bikers ... so this pic appeals to me.

Mate found the pic, I added the words:



Bah hahaha GOLD
I dont really like harleys.. the riders piss me off.. my mums friend is in some bikey gang.. he sells pot.. I guess he aint that bad!
Those Ducati 1098s are a disappointment!
When they advertised releasing a MotoGP version of the Duc and displayed a prototype, everyone wanted one. Thats not what they got in the end. Naturally. It doesn't handle right.

Last couple of track days a mate of mine who bought one (and he can ride quite well) was having an awful time trying to point and shoot the thing around the track. I passed the bloody thing on my 600!?! I thought it would at least hold me off down the straights. Nope.

All 160 (claimed!) hp wasted and lost out the back wheel.

Granted, I'm faster than my mate. But I was watching the bike. He had clean lines into the turns, but the Duc just wasn't sitting right.
Harley Davidson FatBoys are the bomb.. sum harleys are **** lokoing, but sum are fukin nice bikes, specially wif sum chromies.. i will chuck sum pics up later of ours.

no we aint in a biky gang either, just like to cruize round on em.

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