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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2008
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Hey i went to start breaking my 09 pit pro 125cc rr today
started it let it warm up, rode it slowly for about 10 minutes max.
Than it died and woulndnt start let it cool down now it starts but when i go into first it stalls?
does it rev at all?
did u let the clutch out in 1st?
or did it die when u had the clutch in but selected in 1st?
sounds like clutch plates are stuck together. maybe.
pretty sure i`ll be corrected if im wrong. haha
elaborate mate, it never hurts to post up more on the subject

could easily just be a blockage and fuel isnt getting to engine, ie starving it
could easily just be a blockage and fuel isnt getting to engine, ie starving it

Don't get me started on carbys and blockages. To add to what crazzy said if you drain the fuel bowl in the carby with the fuel tap on, do you get a good flow or a drip etc etc?, make sure you have something ready to catch the fuel as it runs out. This is where mine always blocks

My china bike needs to be blown through the hose every now and then until she flows (every 2nd day) as their is a blockage and I cant be bothered pulling it apart yet. She will idle but once you give it throttle she dies when blocked.
check the adjustment of the clutch

on the cable etc
I was riding and it died wouldnt start so i let it cool off than it started when i let the clutch out it stalls :(
Was it a hard stall or a splutter and stall?
Hard stall=clutch
Splutter=probily fueling problem. Either blockage or tuning
When i rev to take off it like bogs and dyes like runs outa of power
Pull your fuel hose off at the carb and see if you have good flow. Might be a bit of plastic in the tank blocking the outlet
what if i loosen that bottom bolt what lets full out the hose?
what if i loosen that bottom bolt what lets full out the hose?

What custom said will check the flow from your tank to the filter and out the other end incase something has blocked in the tank, hose or filter. If thats fine then id check the carby
ah ok so ill check that fuels going through the carby and the choke
it gets hot it started idled for agers rode around in first on my drive way (pretty slow) than it happened again just like looses power than if i give i rev it it goes than dys again
hang on hang on

Are you sure you can take off properly? maybe thats whats stalling it?
Does it rev better with the choke on or off? having the choke on will force it to run richer by cutting back the air intake

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