New chick on the block!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Cessnock, NSW
Hi all! My boyfriend has got me into minibikes. I got on my first bike 6 months ago and hope to race one day soon. I have just bought myself a Rev MX.
I plan on doing as much riding as possible and look forward to meeting more female riders.

Welcome to Mini Riders.

I just moved your thread into the girls section. Plenty of fellow female riders on the site. Look out for MR ride days in your state as well.
Oosh? Lol I'm guessing it's you! Mx central every second weekend! Get ready for lots of riding! Racing in July will be awesome too! You better be racing!
Oosh? Lol I'm guessing it's you! Mx central every second weekend! Get ready for lots of riding! Racing in July will be awesome too! You better be racing!

lol yep it's me! Though I better join the miniriders community. I love the idea of riding there every second wkend but I definately know my riding skills aren't up to it :( but i suppose the more i ride there the better i'll get. maybe i just need to be pushed lol
Yeah well I will be cracking the whip! I enjoy riding up people's ass too and it's really irrating so you be wanting to ride faster to get away from me haha :p mx is good! I can't wait to go back!
Yeah well I will be cracking the whip! I enjoy riding up people's ass too and it's really irrating so you be wanting to ride faster to get away from me haha :p mx is good! I can't wait to go back!

lol make sure u aren't riding up my ass when we go through the mud pit cuz u will be coming to stop pretty quickly lol. yeah i'll ride there again and give it a go, it's the only way to get better and hopefully one day i'll be the one tellin u to go quicker hehe
Ha ha I am at a stage where I can do everything, I just need to do it faster. Corners with no berms are pretty much my biggest killer. Muds is good fun, just hold it on and if you do come off it's a soft landing i guess ha ha.
Ha ha I am at a stage where I can do everything, I just need to do it faster. Corners with no berms are pretty much my biggest killer. Muds is good fun, just hold it on and if you do come off it's a soft landing i guess ha ha.

lol that's a good way of thinking of it. I'll keep it in mind. We are building a track on a friends property so that will be good to practice on. I haven't really had that many hours on a bike and I got on it for the first time probably 6 months ago or even less. Just gotta push myself now

bike looks good sure ill be seeing more of u ...on the track and in the shop !!
v3 helmets on sale if u need a better lid to match ur bike
Awwwwsome are you going to be racing kurri missrevmx? See you there, the more the merrier! :)
Awwwwsome are you going to be racing kurri missrevmx? See you there, the more the merrier! :)

I would really love to Gem but my bike got stolen last week :( my boyfriend is tryin to get me on his LXR but that thing is really flying and scares me a little lol but I might change my mind tomorrow :)
Hi all! My boyfriend has got me into minibikes. I got on my first bike 6 months ago and hope to race one day soon. I have just bought myself a Rev MX.
I plan on doing as much riding as possible and look forward to meeting more female riders.
Yay!!! Similar story to me. My BF also got me into dirt bikes earlier this year and I'm keen to maybe race one day in the future. Still learning at the moment and getting in lots of practice on the track we built at a friends farm. I don't know how big the mini riding scene is in Canberra though..... Would love to hear of any other Canberra girls out there?!?!
welcome to MR and hope you have fun and good choice on pit bike the revmx go good
just lock tight and tune for your weather have fun
hi everyone.
im new to the mini riders and i have no idea how to use the site as in adding my own post and whatever..
so ill put a short post here.
My boyfriend brought me a pitpro140 about a year and a half ago but because we didnt go out riding too often him and his friend decied they would thrash my poor bike so after that i had to rebuild it, then for my bday just gone he brought me a atomik 150! and man this thning flys it actully abit scary, its a bigfoot and because im quite tall its heaps easyer and bigger for me. anyone from the northern suburbs that goes out riding much?
the big foot are solid bikes just make sure to lock tight and lube the moving parts and have fun and why did they thrash your pit pro the friend should rebuild it oh well at least you got another bike have fun
yeah my boyfriend made sure he did all the lock tight and what not! he allways makes sure im safe to ride it, ohh they just felt like being boys i guess! i wasent that interested into bikes then anyways but now if they did it id kill them haha, and i wanted to rebuild it so i could learn but never really got around to it lol just did a few things..

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