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im 13 now, mi b'day was yesterday.
y not hav the extra power?
pascal didnt u put up a thred saying u were looking 4 a 2 stroke 80/85
and now u changed back to a china
happy b'day for yesterday pascal :)... i dont think these look that bad...ther is somethin about it that doesnt tickle me fancy but still doesnt look bad at all...will b lookin forward to the review
Just ordered myn this morning.

I ordered a DNM Shock to replace the stock Fastace with it. (since the fastace included is the worst they make/no adjustments)

hopefully will get it next week,
will do a review a few weeks after.


right now i rlly do hav a dhz in mind but i don't reckon the new 1 looks anygood, the back is too high up. and it just doesn't look right... i reckon i might justget the outlaw and put a new shock and a few other mods on it, an't a ba bike for 850 ay?
125 is better because its just more traditional I guess, 140 seems sorta obscure to me, and if you want to race they usually only let 125's as 140's are another class.
That doesnt mean they're never going to get more stock. :rolleyes:
That doesnt mean they're never going to get more stock. :rolleyes:

I never said that they wont !!! And you would have to be stupid to think that they wouldn't !!! :rolleyes:

I didn't say anything about the new bikes that MSO have mentioned above, as I didn't know if MSO wanted everyone to know anything about them ! and was waiting till they posted the info on them !!

I even have some specs on the new bikes but I'm not going to post anything as it's not my place to do so ... But I will say they do sound sweet though !!!
The pictures on ebay are actually,
1. squashed and look funny
2. not actually the product you'll receive.

I have attached a picture of the actual delivery bikes,
that you get if you buy one, sent to me by DHZ.

That looks mad eh? Apparently they will be selling the frames in a few weeks & by the look of it they look like they will have a better geometry than my current setup of the long Fastace forks & standard DHZ frame. :D
The only difference i could see between the picture you posted and the pictures on his ebay link was the disk rotors. What else am I missing?
Yeah they don't have the BSE disks and a few extra stickers, I don't know why they arent more popular, I dont think they look ugly or bad at all.
Got my DHZ monster 140 today.

this thing is awesome, the quality is amazing, compared to the AGB bikes I have had, they are just junk by comparison,

the suspension is very good, very firm, very well damped, with no slop at all,
the rest of the bike is very very well put together, and everything is well thought out.

the Engine was a bit of a pain to start, I think my carb might be dirty, or something, it doesn't run that great, but a quick blat around the backyard there is plenty of power, need to be very careful not to flip it as the front wheel comes straight off the ground under a small twist of the throttle!

the bike is BIG.. it's still a pit bike, it's pit bike short, but with 9" travel front and rear it sits pretty high, I'm 5ft 10" and I can't sit my feet flat on the ground. The peg spacing is good, there is plenty of room to move around, without feeling cramped or like your going to go off the front, it's very comfy to stand up on as well.

the front is a little high, you have to get the legs set in the crowns in just the right position or it does feel front tall, but if you get it right, then it's perfectly balanced.

the fork as far as I can tell is a proper oil pressure fork, same as the fastace AS01RC (or any proper motocross fork) it's plenty firm, you can do a complete endo lean all my 80kg into it and still only use around 1/2 - 2/3 of the travel, my AGB29 forks bottom out if I do that!

I've only had a little ride so far, but other than replace the rear shock I've only changed the oil, I don't see any need to do anything else, everything else on the bike is spot on.

The engine note is very sweet, without being too loud, but still throaty enough to enjoy. The bike is quiet with no rattles, the brakes feel quite good, fairly firm and with minimal breakin time are already proving plenty powerful enough for 2 finger endos.

The frame construction is very nice quality, the build is excellent, and appears very tough. The bolt and nut quality is quite a bit better than usual china bikes, I didn't manage to damage anything during assembly, and nothing felt soft. Although most of the bike had metal type locknuts, I did not find any locktight on the bike, only on the engine components that would have been bolted from the engine factory. Everything else I locktighted during assembly.

anyway I'll get some pictures soon, and do a proper first up review after the weekend, followed by a long term test in a month.

The dhz monster 140 is without a doubt, the best pitbike under $1200 on ebay or anywhere, regardless of engine size.

yeh i saw that, said it had a seat height of 68cm rather than the usual 75 for pitbikes, some ppl put like 90cm bi accident but this must actually be 86.... sounds like a decent bike!
Don't beleive you're 5'10 and cant reach the ground flat footed... or you must have really small legs..

I don't understand why they arent more popular than pitpro and ovcousre they're better than any AGB, I cant beleive how **** they are hahaha

I notice how it has better disks, sprocket, oil cooler bracket and everything aswell.
The claimed seat height is 86cm,
the bike doesn't sag much, maybe 1" max under my weight,

probably wouldn't be much good for kids, it's built for adult weight riders.

unlike many of the pitbikes on the market.

i've just gotta sort out the carb issues, then it should be sweet.
seems like the mukini 30mm is under jetted to me.

It's a proper Japanese mukini though, I was very surprised.


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