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DHZ 140

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="SOBE"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="SOBE"></a>

2009 DHZ 140 Outlaw
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you need to figure out how to use a camera........ then post pics
you need to figure out how to use a camera........ then post pics

it was taken with my phone btw, and im sorry were not all professional photographers like you
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looking good man.. oi you really should have the latest in camera technology before you go around taking photos...!! i mean, your phone.. who takes photos with theyre phone ?? *sarcasm:D*
yeh lookin good man. nearly as good as mine :D nah lol
looks wicked mate, i just got plain white plastics at the moment, the sobe graphics look cool, can i ask where you got them???
oh lol, i didn't see that, i only read his username, SamboUK,

yeh my sticker kit was $50 but you could probably get them cheaper off ebay or something

i'll take a couple of photos tomorrow to replace them ones, i have to take them with my phone because idk how to upload them off a digital camera because i dont have a cable lol
hahah I can see it now :D looks trick as mate
I wish I never bought my POS pitpro and got a DHZ
lol, you can laugh all you like, i like it (hence the reason i posted it here),i know its not the best bike on the market but for only $950 i rekon its a great bike and if it breaks i dont have to save for 2 years to afford another one, it goes hard and thats all i care about :)
lol, you can laugh all you like, i like it (hence the reason i posted it here),i know its not the best bike on the market but for only $950 i rekon its a great bike and if it breaks i dont have to save for 2 years to afford another one, it goes hard and thats all i care about :)
Exactly !!! I had my Atomik ProX140cc for about 2 years and one on my mates got a 150cc china bike at the same time both of our bikes lasted these 2 years with only thing needing replaced was chain/tyres usual stuff and another mate of mine bought a brand new Honda Crf230f and within a year he had blown it up 3 times and had alsorts of problems. he paid 5900 and we paid under a grand?? go figure haha. What im trying to say is yes u may have 1 or 2 of these bikes over time but u still only paid half of what the other guys did and they still go hard with the right mods. bit of tlc and they are awesome !!! Long live the pitties :D
"another mate of mine bought a brand new Honda Crf230f and within a year he had blown it up 3 times and had alsorts of problems. he paid 5900 and we paid "

and kid and now everone of his frends at my school gives me a hard time about my motovert because he thinks it crap and he has a crap drz 125 suzuki and honda crf 250r its way to big for him
and he don't even ride on a motocross track and he said he would beat me and his frenids said when i show them a video of me they said you are way better then him:D:D showed him
go pit bikes
yeah haha . one of my m8s from school is always like.. get a proper bike, not one that goes 50km per hour and lasts 2 months. a week later his motor gave way and every time i see him i say "hows the cr???? my pittie is going harder then ever:D" always gives him the $h!ts haha
Yeah stuff all these guys with their "CRF250R" who cant even ride ! I buy pit bikes because i love riding mini moto and believe it or not its actually as hard or even harder on some points riding a mini. i mean fair enough if ur really into motorcross and have a 250r and u race and stuff but i hate these guys who have the bike and all the gear and are forever telling us to "Get a real bike" "China bikes are ****" Well we obivously love them and sucked in to the guys with their 250rs that pay thousands in rebuilds and parts all the time ;)

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