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Haha either did i but i had wanted to say what i did for a while now im sick of ppl with their crfs baggin on our bikes so i thought id back him up and cut a little sick :)
i have see crashs on jap bikes and same crashs on minis and the mini didn't break as much as the jap bike and the guy is so up him self too and bags me alot too and i can't wait to beat him up on the track like bang handle bars chad reed and james stewart style;) if i ever do
yeh, im sick of the people in motorbike shops, eg MCA, if i want something from them they ask what bike i got and everytime i say just a pitbike they laugh and tell me they break, lol, atleast i dont need a loan to buy a new bike if it does.

my bike still runs like the day i got it so i dont care what owners of bigger bikes say..5 pitbikes=1 jap bike, i know what i'd rather:)
i went to ktm and the guy said if thes guys that buy shity pitbike they are going to kill them self thos chep pieses of asain **** so i keep my mouth shut but the bike was th 85 it is worth 3 motovert pros:eek: and the pro is probley fast and more relierbly and other shops said that to but i have been to some bike shops and they said to me what bike is it and i said a motovert and they said thos things are aesome so they not all bad

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