New to the motard scene, would love advice

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I'll second that krazed they look like a great deal sam, for the price they will set you up well for minitard.
Jeans just dont cut it on the track I have seen it several times people underestimate how abrasive bitumen is untill they step off, then they turn up at the track with leathers after the off. Or worse they dont come back at all.
Sabertooth - it's great to see some people have common sense when it comes to gear!

Summer makes me cringe when all the show pony weekend warriors get out and about in short and tshirts etc...

You just need to think of the road as a giant belt sander, except perhaps 10 grit :p
hey sam, lets get you on the track quick smart!

i have a set of crappy tires you can have if you want?

how far away are you in getting the DHZ rims?
Cause as soon as you get them, wack my tires on, and track here we come.
Are you serious grnman? that would be great! would they fit the 12" rims with 2.15 and 2.50?
Only other thing i can think of is a 15mm rear axle...and the rims im doing fulltime work next week shouldnt be far :p
yeah man you can have them cause i know your hanging to get on the track and your saving hard. i bought them as a present at dandy but you werent able to make it. they fit the DHZ rims cause ive had them on the same rims.
they havent even seen bitumen yet though. the rear is a inova and the front i think is the same as the motovert RX looking tire. they will get u out there in the meantime anyway.

i dont get it. what do you need to know about the 15mm axle?
Mate thanks so much your a real top bloke. Honestly.
And I will need a 15mm rear axle for it...ill order one with dhz when i get the rims. I'll call them tomorrow if i have time im helping dad wreck another car and do his...but i should get a chance get a MR price and shipping etc

Again mate,
Thanks a lot
No worries, good to have another riding buddy. Although you'll be riding before me. Hehe just waiting on my bike. If your getting some stuff. Might want to get some spacers as well. When I put the dhz rims on my old bike. They needed different spacing as the hubs were diff to motovert. They are only like $5.

I think it's best to get on the track first as you will pick up riding tips and part tips along the way. Your project bike may change as you go along by finding stuff out that you only see at the track.

You'll see first hand how the parts you want are actually working on other pols bike. Eg rear shock. U might change your mind when you see the diff btw guys running dnm or other rears.
If u think your going to get the rims b4 next wed. Let me know and we can get those tires to u
So you can hopefully ride then
Alright i have down, dhz rims, spacers, axle. ill get the sliders a bit later try and save as much coin as i can to go towards gear...and i dont think that will be possible :( because working monday to wednesday mabey thursday to...its just a holidays gig i normally do it...and then ill have to wait for pay the next week and then buy from dhz... :( but still i was planning on being on the track a lot lot lot longer than this so im happy. turned my bad day into a great one :)
no joke i want this so badly im applying at fast food places haha thats how bad i want to start! i hate working with food,
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Sam - Tap your current axles (or take them to a machine shop to get them to do it), buy some skateboard wheels (cheapest ones you can), bolt them to your axles! :D
don't worry about sliders dude... More important things to get first :)
Summer makes me cringe when all the show pony weekend warriors get out and about in short and tshirts etc...
yea me to funny how many of them ride with $1000 helmets though and on gsxr's, I'm atgatt kinda rider

hey sam, lets get you on the track quick smart! i have a set of crappy tires you can have if you want?
This is great to see it's what miniriders and minitard is all about, we might compete against each other but we are all mates, good on you grnman.