******** nieghbour!

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chopper rider 16

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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today riding my motorbike through local reserve my neighbour was coming the other way so i pulled in clutch to let him go past me n then he like stood in the middle off the path wit his dog off a leash n tryed to lecture me about riding the bike through the reserve, n then i said isn't ur dog ment to be on a leash n i just floored the **** out of my bike sprayed him with dirt n just left.

thing is i've had my biek for 2 yrs n just now he tells me off WTF!!!
aww please people listen to sidney, he might have a cry if he heres something bad, grow up. look at people riding on the road no1 cares
No point complaining about it, its illegal. Sid is right.
Just turn a blind eye. I like your reply about his dog though haha
I would do it too, but im to chicken **** lol
Reserve is a reserve , they didn't stick that name on to sound fancy its obviously a habitat for fauna and wildlife , often in reserve's there are endanged plants or animals. It was their home a long time before it became a spot for you to ride.
No one needs to put **** on Sidney , he's exactly right.

The dude sounds like a knob who stood up , he was as much in the wrong as you where. Just remember respect gets respect.
yeh mate..."cock heads". It shows how mature you are

Its a reserve.End of story

Your always going to get told off if your riding where your not ment to.

You know it wrong....So why do it?
just ride i mean, your defenetly gunna get people that complain make it worse for them, continue riding piss them off more show them that you have nowhere to ride, and they cna ring the cops to push for more tracks though id go to tracks and still ride on roads and ****
What a bunch of idiots,your age and IQ is obviously very closely related.
Your riding where your not supposed to ride and giving all of us MINIRIDERS a bad name,whether or not he is supposed to have his dog off the leash means nothing.
Reserves are there as a place kids and others can use safely without idiots on bikes riding around there.
If your immature enough to have the attitude you do I would bet that you don't really slow down around people but rather pin it to try and look cool or something.
If you don't have anywhere legal to ride,or at least somewhere discreet enough that no-one is bothered by you then you shouldn't have a bike.

Don't follow mxb 125's advice and keep trying to piss people off otherwise one of your next posts will be about how you were riding where you "weren't meant to" and some "*******" went and stuck piano wire across the trail or buried spikes to puncture tyres or something like that.

Just use your brains and find somewhere sensible to ride instead of whingeing when your the one in the wrong!!

When you get people trying to wreck your private track on private property then thats when you should be upset.
i completely agree with goose
dont winge when he has every right to complain to you about it
im actually considering starting a massive petition for all dirt bike riders in victoria but in suburbs that dont have access to tracks and what not
mabye you should do the same in your area
ok loosers, have it your way. but wont change much dont think anyperson that rides on the road will stop because of some little sooks on a gay little website who are imature and talk crap all day. for instance - GOOSE- Sideny little poofs like them. that cry
mxb chill. they were just saying what they thought and i totally agree with goose. but there is no need to be like that. if you dont like what they say bout it dont come back and call people poofs and also bring other people into the arguement.

i think that if you ride on main roads and reserves just to piss people off your an idiot. you are endangering others and your selves lives and giving the mini bike scene a bad name.
mxb you are a complete idiot for one ill let you no i have rode illegally before. I no that it is wrong and sometimes you get sick of nowhere to ride but if someone tell you off you should just be polite then get on your way. If you be a ******** to the people then your just as bad as the council for not giving us anywhere to ride. I think instead of spending your time mouthing off to your neighbours you should get a hole bunch of your mates and start a petition or howeva you spell it and try and get them thinking it would be better if they had somewhere else for us to ride
Stop fighting , fighting only turns this forum into ****. C'mon where all mature enough to relise , you do the crime you pay the fine The kid got told off for riding in a reserve , his problem not your's. Just relax . How he deals with it is how he deals with it . Where here to chat about mini's not start arguments.

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