nitrous on orion 125

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that turbo on that garret bike would be way to big to make any reasonable boost on that bike i think its more for show!
nitrous is safe on any engine if set up correctly. if you use nitrous use a wet kit as opposed to a dey one. all it does is put more fuel and air in for a bigger is not a magic potion like the myth says. if in doubt buy a book and you will see how easy it is to use and SAFE.

is this true? i always thought that nitros was n20 nitros oxide wich is highly combustable and a really high octane so it gives ur bike a power boost. am i rite or it that justa myth?
hey guys i actually worked at holley performance in adelaide for 3 years and we were the austraian distributor for Nos nitrous kits. We did a sneaky pete kit for about 300ish bucks which heaps of people were puttin on there road going scootas and small bikes having excelent results. Nitrous itself is just a gas like a oxygen so when you have nitrous entering the intake at about 900psi through a fogger nozzle you intern have to add the right amount of fuel to not create a lean mixture or it will go bang. I have one of these kits at home and am strongly contemplating puting it on my bike. most guys on there scooters were seeing an extra 7-10 hp at the rear wheel by simply jetting the carby super rich and then adding the gas however it would run really rich without nos! hope this helps guys
yeah thats cool champ if you set your nitrous kit up on a dyno and check your mixtures as you tune you shouldnt have a problem. The safest thing to do is start really rich with fuel and then slowly lean it off until the mixture is just right or preferably a little rich for safety! theres alot of myths out there about nitrous but most of them are from tools that have know idea and then blow there motor up by not tuning or setting it up properly, or trying to add 250hp to a internaly stock engine.
yer thaey do depens alot on the bike you have cause me mates stock orion 21 will do it but my 29 strugles in second here is the funny bit when we are racin there is difference in the bikes
you can fit a nos kit to anything! my boss has one on his A80 suzuki funny as, thinkin of putting one one the CRF just for giggles.
Just set up a nos kit today, not on my pitbike, but on a 49cc pocket...

Soooo ******* impressed!!! Works a charm!!! But wouldn't recommend to anyone to set it up on a bike worth more than $100... If it blows up, I'll throw the bike in the bin, but I'm not gonna wear blowing up any of my good engines!

On a cheap ebay pocket?? Yes!!! Loads of fun and laughs!!

On anything else?? No.. unless you want to throw your money away.....
how was the carby set mcanix? really rich??

cause i would like to put a wet nos kit on my bike but ive been told you have to run them really rich so the nos dosnt lean it out an make the engine go KABOOM
but if you do i wont do it cause when im not using the nos which would be 95% of the time i will be riding the bike very rich which obviously i dont want to do

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