No chinese bikes allowed at Stanmore RD MX track

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Hey guys.
As a few of you know I got the little bloke his Atomik. Emailed off to Stanmore MX club at Yatala and just got home now to find an email that they do not allow chinese bikes at the track due to safety reasons as per the design of these machines. I fully understand where they are coming from. They suggest I join Nudgee club as the grounds there are flat and they allow them there for learners. Ho hum. Well I'll email Nudgee now and keep ya posted.
That really sucks. Is it any chinese bike or just particular models? Because if somewhere rejected my bike I'd be really mad. I can understand some models like tdrs, lei and atomik.
Can you quote the e-mail they sent you?

Thats BS really is. I think thats stupid becuase they are good chiness bikes that can stand up to some jumps.
Can you quote the e-mail they sent you?

Thats BS really is. I think thats stupid becuase they are good chiness bikes that can stand up to some jumps.

Hi Glen,
By all means, you are welcome to come down to the club and join up. The track MAY be open this Sunday, we are very short of water and may need to close this weekend. There will be a working Bee on the following Saturday 7th Nov and Race day on the 8th Nov.
We have been having problems for years with our neighbours complaining about the noise and dust from the track. Unfortunately, with the advent of the four stroke bikes and the massive increase in our membership over the last few years, the noise problem has worsened and the council is now under increasing pressure to "move us along". We currently have a verbal deal for another 12 months but after that we are not sure.
In the meantime we will be doing some changes to try and reduce the noise output as much as possible, but it will be business as usual next year.

If you are keen to become involved with the committee and/or become an official, you are welcome to attend our committee meetings which are held at The Showmans Club on Stanmore Road on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Our AGM will be on the 1st December.

You mention that you have purchased an "Atomik" bike. We do not allow the chinese bikes at the track as these bikes are not designed for the type of obstacles we have there. This rule is purely for the safety of your child.
We do have a "peewee" track adjacent to the main track where you may be able to use it, but that will be at the discretion of the practice supervisor. That track is really only for the 4-5 year olds.
As an alternative, the Brisbane MCC runs practice days at Nudgee regularly where you can use these bikes. The track there is mostly flat and is ideal for learners and children. If you are interested, the next day there is Sunday 15th November. You can get more info at their website Brisbane Motorcycle Club
It might pay to contact them closer to the date to confirm.

Both clubs are affiliated with Motorcycling Qld and you will need to purchase a licence to ride at the tracks. One day licences are available. More information about MQ is available at their website Motorcycling Queensland: Home

Good luck, if you need more info, let me know

Tony Major

My reply:
Thanks for the reply Tony. I fully understand. I only bought it for him to learn on and not jump. I have been on the Miniriders forum and been briefed about the bikes.I did post on the forum about them not allowed down there just to let others know. I'll email Nudgee mate. All the best for keeping going there. I know at the pony club we had a bit of a fight with the council about our grounds at park ridge.

Rgds Glenn.

Post replies'
I rang Scott from the Brisbane MCC at Nudgee and it's all good we are joining there.
I have started to jump on my braaap and it's not falling a part. Makes me so mad they just make out like all chinese bikes will just fall a part and explode anywhere near there track LOL. Arghhh.
Hmm well you might be allowed to ride the PW50 track. Your grom is only learning to so that shouldn't be a problem and the 70 is only a little bit taller than the PW50's. So Brisbane MCC lets pit bikes ride thier tracks?
haha not uncommon, you wouldnt see any clubs in WA allow china bikes on the track
Hmm well you might be allowed to ride the PW50 track. Your grom is only learning to so that shouldn't be a problem and the 70 is only a little bit taller than the PW50's. So Brisbane MCC lets pit bikes ride thier tracks?

I hope so , im gonna send off a email to Kilcoy mx track , that track looks wicked for minibikes!
bushrangers are a speedway based club, unless you go down for a open/practice day I can't see your boy riding there..

they run special class eg. 50cc, 65cc, 85cc, things like that..

but right next to the track there is a small motorcross track, haven't seen it ever used, might be able to ride there or something. .
I have started to jump on my braaap and it's not falling a part. Makes me so mad they just make out like all chinese bikes will just fall a part and explode anywhere near there track LOL. Arghhh.

Ah well mate I abide by the rules of Stanmore club and what they say. I am not a member of the club.I was just making enquiries. We have to go by what they say. Brisbane MCC at Nudgee is ok with the Atomik. I explained to Tony from Stanmore via email as above then Tony suggested I contact BMCC. I explained to Scott (from BMCC) on the phone that it was only bought purely for my 10 yr old to learn on and not jump or go rough on it. If you read my posts in minibike forum you will see I am only buying it for a pure learner who has not ridden before. I abide by the decision of Stanmore and respect it. We don't need to turn a breeze into a cyclone. As you can see via our emails I thanked Tony from Stanmore for his reply and I understand his decision. The last thing I want is my son getting hurt and I explained that he would not be jumping. Fair's fair and I respect the Stanmore clubs laws. As I have respectfully thanked all who have replied to me. We are going to Brisbane MMC at Nudgee where they are allowed and my little fella will learn there and when and if he want's to keep going on I'll get him a KTM.
Thank's for that info Sean. Much appreciated.We are going to go to the Nudgee club anyway and give it a go. Cheers.
It is not fair to deny a chinese bike entry to a club.

Where is the research to prove that they are unsafe? It might be okay to say that about the earlier model frames that had the single tube. But you cannot say that about the later model twin tube braced/trelised framed bikes.

What gives me the right to say this? I am a 37yo Civil Aviation mechanic. I bought a 140cc Atomik 2 years ago, after my mate bought one on ebay for $700 (I paid $540 for mine). I replaced the triple clamp/fork allan key bolts to high tensile ones. Replaced the head stem, wheels & swimg arm bearings to good quality ones. I weight 83kg & have rideen since I was a 4yo. My last 'real bike' was an 06 CRF450. So I can ride hard.

I have given that atomik an absolute flogging. The ONLY weak point being the front rim which I turned into a pretzel from hitting rock laden tracks pinged out. I replaced it with an SM pro front & have had no issues since (I actually used the original spokes again as well!). I was hiting rocks & jumping so hard I stuffed the forks & they bleed profusely. I looked at fast ace/dnm etc.. & ended up replacing the seals with my $20 ebay specials & put good 10wt fork oil back in (no probs since).

I have put a 150 out rotor kit on it, a larger duration & lift cam & ported the head a ridiculous amount, I also reshaped the combustion chamber & planned 100thou (2mm) off it to give a compression ratio of 12:1. when combined with the cheap ebay 'big bore cylinder kit' that took it out to 157cc. Static timing set at 10 BTDC. I have gone so far as I am deliberately trying to see how far I can push this little engine.

I was the biggest knocker of these '**** chinese bikes' before I got one & I only really bought it as a joke & something to ride near my house after off loading the CRF.

MY Atomik would have easily 50hrs of belting on it. I originally thought it would last 2 hrs at most.

The bike owes me less than $1000. So I take my hat off to the designers, cause I have gone out of my way to try & give this bike a hard time.

If you want to try unsafe then buy an Aprilla RXV450, I rode my mates that was on it's third eninge & it had 700km on it (yes that right 2 engines had blown in less than 700k's). It is also a 'high quality Italian bike that cost over $13k!!! That bike was poor quality & dangerous. Brand & cost is no measure of safety!

I would think that it is more likely that the club are brand snobs.


i think some tracks have problems with insurance too...
maybe theres a section in there policy that outlines no chinese bikes or something..and i know the government arent making it easy either..

its wrong tht they think like this because not every family can afford to buy big dollar jap bikes for there kids..
and also iv seen alot of jap bike frames crack and snap..

i think they need to revise some of the tracks rules and regs..
acceptable and unacceptable bikes should go off vin numbers. im pretty sure the government keep a record of the vin numbers to know who is importing what..
Ok Blokes, I run with the club rules and they say NO I look elsewhere. As I said I am not a member of any club ATM but only just got the little blokes bike going this Sunday after all the **** Atomik gave me with bits I needed. I am only a lightweight,skinny 75 kilos and I have been fanging this thing on our property and not broken it yet,Mitchell has been giving it a workout too. I have jumped this over logs and berms about 3 metres high,ran it in the sand and the dam edges not getting water in the carb and over rocks and ruts asI did when I ran my IT 490 in enduros. I haven't broken it yet and I have been going flat out. About 70 k's top speed mind you.Lot less than my Yammy mammy I had. But fer crissake If I can't break it how the french fry is my 10 yr old son going to break it? HOHUM...RULES RULES RULES. OK we just go elsewhere.

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