official post pics of you riding thread

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heres some of myself at Appin last weekend getting used to my new bike!! not very big jumps, but im working on it!



cmon get this thread goin again!! surely u have sum pics of u ridin your MINIS!!!!
ok heres a couple of pics (sorry for quality just a cheapie point and shoot)

heres me heading up a rutted out trail on my 140

my brother on his pitpro 150xr
Got any pics of the 150xr Panda?

Would ya recommend them for track bike?
Havent got many pics of it. Dunno if I woul drecomend it cos i dont race or anything we just smash trails all day. Seems like a half decent bike tho...they are much bigger than the CRF and the 150xr has a lot more poke!!!


Nah reppin it up in tassie ;) thats Frankford firetrails. We ride ther and also Tattersalls road which they meet up at some point. we still havent found the trail that takes us to the beach yet, we can on google but not on the ground lol
do the pics have to be on a thumpstar or can they be of big bike. i have few of me jumping sum midium sized jumps
only have one good picture rest are on my dads laptop.

well here it is this is me doing the big table top on the advance track at ripley
enjoy :)

yeh thats ok!! but not 2 many big bike pics cause id rather minis!u can post the rest of your big bike pics honda_rider380 n nice jump!!
me on my pitster .
Pretty tame I know.
I've been very impressed how hard this thing goes and It' barely even run in:)

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