I bought this outer rotor kit
NEW OUTER ROTOR KIT ADJUST TIMING 140cc 150cc 160cc - eBay, Other Cars, Bikes, Boats, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 25-Nov-09 17:36:33 AEDST) to install into my atomik with an xy 140 engine.
I installed everything but I couldn't even begin to understand how the wiring went together so I took it to a motorcycle auto electrician to hook it up.
3 hours and $200 later they call me to tell me everything doesn't match up and it makes no sence.
The wires coming off the ignition are pink, green and white and yellow with black and yellow and black and red in a a plug
and this weird one, green and red with this strange plug that seems to go nowhere
Then there is the wiring harness which has
black and white and green wire in one plug (this is the only plug that fits the plug coming out of the ignition)
yellow, black on another plug with a single blue and white and a single red and black in the same bundle
green, black and white on another plug
One single green wire and one single black and yellow wire in the same bundle
I know its hard to tell me anything from this description but I don't have a camera.
I think they have sent me the wrong wiring harness, what do you think? what should I do, am so pissed off.
