...... Now i'm the person on this forum with the shitties bike, jr50.. ...
Hey mad man, I might argue with you on this one!

But hey, at the end of the day, if whatever bike we have is what gives us loads of fun, that's what matters most, isnt it?
...... The AGB 30 everyone has said they are very heavy and are hard to jump. But with better suspenction, chuck some pro taper bars and get some other items it will be a good bike......Mabye even 12"12" wheels or something would look good.........
Now, this is what I'm talking about! I find value in knowing whats wrong with something so then you can probably figure how to work around the so-called flaws and shittiness of it all.
Before this thread, I've had my guesses on what might be wrong with the AGB30 that a lot of people just dislike it, let alone flame owners of it. I believe there are solutions to problems with this bike and I'm learning it right here.
Thanks a million!
In response to peterpan, I currently live in Southern China.
Lastly, mjc85 has made his good share of helpfulness coming across previous posts and I have no doubt is a good guy. He may have come up with seemingly harsh comments on some bikes but this is part of sharing personal opinion. I believe in free speech although I personally tend to be more reserved in this aspect. I hope you didnt take my notes the wrong way.