Hi all. I have left this bike alone for a while. I got a project car so I could sell it and make some money. That took up a lot of time so with that all done and gone, I have some spare time and money. I have also been riding my other pit bike a bit and want a second one for my little bro to ride,so I started work on this project again.
Just now aha. I was close to buying a whole new electrics system to get rid of this problem. I gave it one last go and found this yellow wire that just didn't go any where. So I cut all the wrap off and it went into the cdi for the coil. This meant there was another wire going to the coil out of this new loom. I kept cutting and it was the kill switch wire. Well this was never going to start.
So I cut some more and patched up a bit of the loom. And then... I GOT SPARK!!!!! I tried it like 4 times just to make sure it was true aha. I think this loom was just cheap but after swapping them wires, it's all good
So I will get a carbie on there and then I need a front wheel, fuel tank,plastics, chain,sprockets,tuck the wires,oil and spark plug and check the valve clearance. So not much aha. So happy I finally have spark though and this little bike might actually have a chance of being a bike out of all those parts.
Thanks so much to the people helped me out.This is such a great forum full of people willing to help out. so thanks

I will keep you all updated. Thanks for reading.