Petrol Leak

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Sep 7, 2008
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Hi there, i'm new to the forum and new to the world of minidirt biking.
I bought off ebay a rebo mini dirt bike for messing around on.
Its a 2 stroke 47cc.
I had it running fine and it worked great. But one afternoon i was riding it with some mates and i noticed petrol leaking from the underside of the engine :(
It was dripping out from a pink rubber pipe that i assume is an over flow pipe.
I think the engine has flooded.
But what i don't know is why the engine has flooded :confused:
I'm not very technical when it comes to motorbikes but i have been told its somthing to do with the float getting stuck :confused:

I don't know what this means but i am willing to try to fix it.
What i need to know is if this is what has happened, and how to fix it :)


look on ebay for a pullstart carby theyre really cheap and theyre alot better than the 1s that u get stock its alot easier to buy new 1 than it is to relevel ur floats im pretty sure u can buy the carbys in groups of 3 off ebay for quite cheap im not quite sure how to do the flaots all i no is theyve got to be exactly level or itll dump ur fuel cheers mate good luck
is there any special way of fitting the carb?
or is it just the case that i just fit it as the old one was fitted?

between your fuel tap and choke is where it comes unbolted its only a small part on small engine thus making the 2 almost side by side so yea its not hard i had to redo myn yesterday after 9 and a half hours of straight riding only stopping in at servo for fuel and lunch few times
right i've fitted the new carb and it works! :)

but, and there is always a but :( , The bike only starts if i'm holding the throttle open a tiny bit, and if i stop twisting the throttle it cuts out :mad:

any idea why this is happening and how to fix it? :confused:

Its the screw in the side of the carb that lifts the slides stop position therefore increasing idle speed
well got my new carby working, then snapped the pull chord :(

new one is on its way :)

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