Ando trav write a review! a detailed one too! just look at the bikes guys its obviously going to be very similar to the rev mx but faster
Why faster? i think it's gonna end up to be the exact same bike (175 RMX) with a different colour
nah guys, they may actually be reasonably different, even both 175 models....
The CZX runs Weston suspension, and a Molkt carby, the RMX runs DNM suspension, and an OKO carby....
overall the bikes will be very similar, in regards to what works, what catches, what needs fixing straight up, overall build quality etc, but i'm more interested in the performance DIFFERENCES between the two, as they'll actually go a bit differently...
The RMX will be snappy as **** with the OKO, the CZX will put out similar power, but in a much different fashion owing to the Molkt... and the suspension is already established as being different between the two...
A review will be great, but a COMPARISON would be even better... someone buy a Cini in ride with me...