PIT PRO brand, good for kids starters?

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Mar 17, 2007
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I'm looking at geting a couple of little PIT PRO's to start the
kids off. Any feedback on what to look out for would be great.
Not wanting to outlay much, we're looking at the 50cc version
of the smallest one available. Semi auto, 1st, 2nd gear. Kids
will tick around the yard and the paddocks, little kiddie jumps
etc. etc.........
(don't know much, any PITfalls to watch for?):confused:
Cheers Dave...........:D
get a couple of crf 50's cos then after you can always do them up.unless you have a budget.
get a couple of crf 50's cos then after you can always do them up.unless you have a budget.

Budget is a big issue. I can get these bikes for under $600 ea. Plus, kids
these days want the look of a pit bike. If they loose interest, I haven't
layed out big bucks. Really just need to know, what will break, and are
they easily fixed/worked on. Parts avail./price................:)
id say there a great bike for kids to learn on even better if your on a budget
an cause the kids will be riding them i doubt anything will break but if some thing does the seller has spare parts availible an ebay allways has spare parts
Thanks heaps.......it's just so hard to choose a brand, everyone reakons
their brand is the best. (imports that is)
Hey there,

I have a pit pro 110 which is the exact some bike but with a 110 motor. In hind sight, I wish I had have gotten the 50cc for my 10yo daughter to start on because the 110 just has too much go. It's damn quick for the money.

Get a 50cc Pit Pro. Make sure you go over it, every single nut and bolt. Put it together properly and keep and eye on them. My 110 has been superb. I'm sure the 50 would be just as good.

Also, make sure you start them off in a high gear. 1st or 2nd is just too jerky for them tos tart on. I put the bike in top gear and the semi clutch takes care of the rear! works great.

good luck :)
What I meant to mention was I think the Pit Pro 50 would be the best bike to start off on if you're on a budget. For sure
What I meant to mention was I think the Pit Pro 50 would be the best bike to start off on if you're on a budget. For sure
I need as much guidance as I can get. Cheers for all the great info. We'll post
up some pics and text on how we go with starting in the weeks to come........
drop the oil and put some decent oil in it locktite bolts ect and you can upgrade the sparkplug